Thursday, August 2, 2012

L-Tyrosine ? Energy, Mood, Wellness ? Philadelphia Sports Blog

1 08 2012


L-tyrosine is an amino acid that produces dopamine and norepinephrine, neurotransmitters that are associated with mental health disorders. An L-tyrosine deficiency is associated with various mental health disorders in women. Increasing dietary intake of tyrosine increases levels of the amino acid in the brain for synthesis of dopamine and norepinephrine, according to research by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine published in ?The Journal of Nutrition? in June 2007.

Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Women are 50 percent more likely than men to have a mood disorder, and they are 60 percent more likely than men to have an anxiety disorder during their lifetime. L-tyrosine produces catecholamines, neurotransmitters that include dopamine and norepinephrine. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that enable nerve cells in the brain to communicate messages. Scientists at McGill University in Montreal report that deficiencies of catecholamines cause mood and anxiety disorders, according to research published in ?Neuropsychopharmacology? in January 2000. The scientists also report that the depletion of L-tyrosine among healthy women reduces catecholamine neurotransmission, increasing the risk of mood and anxiety disorders.


Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder characterized by a person hearing voices and experiencing hallucinations, dysfunctional thoughts and impaired movement. Schizophrenia affects women as equally as it affects men, but a dietary depletion of tyrosine increases the risk of schizophrenia in women. Scientists at the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center in Ohio found tyrosine depletion lowers dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain, increasing cognitive defects associated with schizophrenia, according to research published in ?Brain Research? in January 2008.


A tyrosine deficiency increases the risk of delirium in women. Delirium is sudden and severe confusion that involves rapid changes in brain function concurrent with mental or physical illness. Scientists at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville found that alteration in blood levels of tyrosine is associated with delirium, according to research published in ?Intensive Care Medicine? in November 2009. The scientists report that a lower blood ratio of tyrosine to large neutral amino acids reduces the amount of tyrosine that is able to pass through the blood-brain barrier, increasing the risk of severity of delirium.

Alcohol Ingestion

Women who have 12 or more drinks a week are at risk of alcoholism. Reducing tyrosine intake lowers the amount of alcohol ingested. Scientists at McGill University in Montreal found that female drinkers who were administered a meal deficient in tyrosine drink less alcohol than women who were given meals containing tyrosine, according to research published in ?Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research? in April 2000.
Read more: Livestrong

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