Bloomsburg University
Bloomsburg, PA 17815. Tel.: (717) 389-4836; FAX: (570) 389-3983; Email: <mmendoza<at>>. Department of Mass Communications, 1985. Maria Teresita Mendoza-Enright, chair.
SEQUENCES: Mass Communication, Journalism, Public Relations/Advertising, Telecommunications.
FACILITIES: Television Studios, Radio Station, Magazine, Newspaper.
? Cabrini College
610 King of Prussia Rd., Radnor, PA 19087-3698. Tel: (610) 902-8360, FAX: (610) 902-8285, Email: <zurek<at>>. Department of Communications, 1973. SCJ. Jerome Zurek, chair.
FACULTY: Profs: Jerome Zurek; Assoc. Prof: Cathy Yungmann; Asst. Profs: John Cordes, Janice Xu; Staff: Heather Shanley Fullerton; Adjunct Instrs.:?Derek Jones (radio), Betsy Ostroff (advertising),?Paul Geissinger (audio recording),?Kenneth Kauffman (photography),?Steven Wright (theater), Melissa Reich (public relations).
SEQUENCES: Journalism & Writing; Theater; Video, Radio, Photography, & Digital Media Convergence; Integrated Marketing Communication.
? Duquesne University
600 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15282. Tel: (412) 396-6460, FAX: (412) 396-4792. Email: <arnett<at>>. Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies, 1948. KTA, PRSSA, SPJ. Ronald C. Arnett, chair.
FACULTY: Prof.: Ronald C. Arnett ; Assoc. Profs.: Patricia Arneson, Robert V. Bellamy, D. Clark Edwards, Janie M.H. Fritz, Margaret Patterson, Richard H. Thames, Francis Thornton, Calvin Troup; Asst. Profs.: Michael J. Dillon, Roy Joseph, Kathleen Roberts, Joseph Sora; Instr.: S. Alyssa Groom; Prof. Emer.: Eva Robotti.
SEQUENCES: Major: Communication Studies (Corporate Communication/Interpersonal Public Relations, Integrated Marketing Communication, Management Communication, Information Management in Organizations, Media Organizations, Rhetoric and Argumentation and Self-Designed Program); Major: Media Communication; Major: Journalism (Print Journalism, News Production and Management, Advertising, Public Relations, Broadcast Journalism, and Online Journalism.)
? Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown, PA 17022. Tel: (717) 361-1262, FAX: (717) 361-1180. Email: <JOHNSONKA<at>>. Department of Communications, 1975. BEA, IABC, SCJ, IRTS, IBS, CMA. Kirsten A. Johnson, chair.
FACULTY: Profs.: Tamara L. Gillis; Assoc. Profs.: Kirsten A. Johnson; Hans-Erik Wennberg; Asst. Profs: Colin Helb; Kelly Poniatowski; Instr.: David Donovan; Adjunct Instrs.: Adrienne Garvey; Casey Houtz; Cheryl Irwin, Mark Myers; William M. Sloane.
SEQUENCES: Corporate Communications (Public Relations and Marketing), Mass Communication (Radio, TV, Journalism, New Media).
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705. Tel: (412) 357-4411. FAX: (412) 357-7845; Email: <jn-dept<at>>. Department of Journalism. Stanford G. Mukasa, chair.
Journalism Program: Practical approach, interdisciplinary program (with internships) for careers in news-editorial and public relations.
1175 Maple Street, Stouffer Hall, Room 121, Indiana, PA 15705-1058. Email: <bgwilson<at>>. B. Gail Wilson, chair.
Communications Media and Instructional Technology Program: PhD degree offered.
La Salle University
1900 West Olney Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19141-1199. Tel: (215) 951-1844. FAX: (215) 951-5043. Email: <texter<at>>. Web Site: []. Department of Communication, 1985. Lynne Texter, chair.
Communication Program: The program provides a core of courses then invites students to complete a track in journalism, mass communication, public relations, or communication management.
Master Degree Program in Professional Communication: Michael Smith, dir. Tel.: (215) 951-1155; FAX: (215) 951-5043; Email: <msmith<at>>.
Master?s Degree Programs Abroad: Professional Communication and Public Relations in Prague, Czech Republic, and in Athens, Greece. Gerard F. Molyneaux, dir. Tel: (215) 951-1981, FAX: (215) 951-5043; Email: <molyneau<at>>.
Lehigh University
33 Coppee Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18015. Tel: (610) 758-4180, FAX: (610) 758-6198, Email: <wally.trimble<at>>. Website: <>. Department of Journalism and Communication. Wally Trimble, head.
Journalism Program: Undergraduate degree programs in journalism and science writing; minors in journalism, science writing and communication. The program emphasizes writing, research, communication technology and global studies. It has offered coursework in online journalism since 1995.
Lincoln University of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
1570 Baltimore Pike, PO Box 179, Lincoln University, PA 19352. Tel.: (484) 365-8145, FAX: (484) 365-8156. Website: <>. Department of English and Mass Communications. Serajul Bhuiyan, professor and director.
English Communications: The English Communications Major prepares students for careers in mass media. The major exposes students to common elements (familiarity with English, American, and African American literature; knowledge of media principles and practices) and to one of two emphases: print journalism and television. The major requires 18 courses in Communications, and two semesters of a foreign language.
Lock Haven University
Lock Haven, PA 17745-2390. Tel.: (570) 484-2193; FAX: (570) 484-2436. Department of Communication and Philosophy. Matthew Girton, chair. Email: <mgirton<at>>.
Communication Program offers professional training qualifying students for entry level positions in the mass media or graduate study. Students can select one of six tracks: journalism, electronic media, public relations and advertising, professional communication, public discourse and performance, communication and culture. Facilties: television studio, radio station, newspaper. Student clubs: Havenscope television group, WLHU radio, sports broadcasting club, Society for Collegiate Journalists. Degree: BA.
Lycoming College
700 College Place, Williamsport, PA 17701. Tel: (570) 321-2000, 321-4297, FAX: (570) 321-4389; Email: <wild<at>>. Department of Communication, 1976. Fredric M. Wild, chair.
Communication Major: The program emphasizes the liberal arts through an interdisciplinary core and professional tracks in public relations and corporate communication, electronic media, and reporting and media writing.
Millersville University
PO Box 1002, Millersville, PA 17551-0302. Tel.: (717) 872-3233, FAX: (717) 871-2051. Email: <thomas.boyle<at>>. Department of Communication and Theatre. Thomas P. Boyle, APR, chair. Speech Communication program offers options in broadcasting, communication studies, public relations and theatre.
Pennsylvania, University of (Annenberg School for Communication)
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6220. Tel: (215) 898-7041; FAX: (215) 898-2024, E-mail: <admin<at>pobox.asc.>. Program in Communication.
Communication Program: Graduate program in Media Criticism, Mass Communication Research; Health and Development Communication, Political Communication.
? Pennsylvania State University, The
201 Carnegie Building, University Park, PA 16802. Tel: (814) 863-1484, Fax: (814) 863-8044; website: <>. College of Communications, 1930. AAF, KTA, NABJ, SPJ, WICT, NAMIC, PSAJD, AHANA, PRSSA, PSAF, RTNDA, SFO. Douglas Anderson, dean.
FACULTY: Profs.: Douglas Anderson (dean and founding co-dir., Sports Journalism Ctr.), Tony Barbieri (Foster Professor of Writing and Editing), Jeremy Cohen (assoc. vice president and sr. assoc. dean, Undergraduate Education), John J. Curley (visiting professor), Gene C. Foreman (visiting professor), Robert M. Frieden (Pioneers Chair in Cable Telecommunications), Matthew P. McAllister, Malcolm Moran (Knight Chair in Sports Journalism and Society and dir., Sports Journalism Ctr.), John S. Nichols, Mary Beth Oliver (co-dir., Media Effects Lab), Patrick R. Parsons (Davis Professor of Ethics and dir., Davis Program in Ethical Leadership), Robert D. Richards (Curley Professor of First Amendment Studies; dir., Washington Program and founding dir., Pa. First Amendment Ctr.), S. Shyam Sundar (distinguished professor; co-dir., Media Effects Lab), Richard D. Taylor (Palmer Chair of Telecommunications & Law and co-dir., Inst. for Info. Policy); Assoc. Profs.: Robert A. Baukus (dept. head, Advertising/Public Relations), Ronald V. Bettig, Barbara O. Bird (dir., International Programs), Frank E. Dardis, Russell Frank, Michel Haigh, Jeanne L. Hall, Martin E. Halstuk, Marie C. Hardin (assoc. dean, Undergraduate and Graduate Education, dir., Page Ctr. For Integrity in Public Com. and assoc. dir., Sports Journalism Ctr.), Anne M. Hoag, Matthew S. Jackson (dept. head, Telecommunications), Krishna P. Jayakar, Ann Marie Major (dir., Jimirro Ctr. for Study of Media Influence), Anthony A. Olorunnisola (dept. head, Film-Video and Media Studies), J. Ford Risley (dept. head, Journalism), John P. Sanchez, Amit M. Schejter (co-dir., Inst. for Info. Policy), Fuyuan Shen; Asst. Profs.: Lee A. Ahern, George U. Anghelcev, Denise S. Bortree, Colleen Connolly-Ahern, Marcia W. DiStaso, C. Michael Elavsky, Matthew F. Jordan, Naomi E. McCormack, Michelle Rodino-Colocino, Michael G. Schmierbach, Richard A. Sherman, Bu Zhong; Sr. Lectrs.: John H. Beale, Rodney B. Bingaman, Curt W. Chandler, John A. Dillon (dir., Dow Jones Editing Excellence Ctr.), J. Ann Dumas, Kevin J. Hagopian, Maria Cabrera-Baukus, Russell E. Eshleman (assoc. dept. head, Journalism), Shannon Kennan (dir., Outreach and Instructional Design), Ann L. Kuskowski, Judy Maltz-Schejter, Marea A. Mannion, Steve G. Manuel, Robert P. Martin (asst. dean, Internships and Career Placement), Pamela A. Monk, Renea D. Nichols, Michael S. Poorman (dir., Alumni Relations), Christopher B. Ritchie, Steven W. Sampsell (dir., College Relations), Maura E. Shea, Cynthia Simmons, Ronald G. Smith, Susan M. Strohm (coord., Honors Program), Thor Wasbotten (asst. dean, Student Media and Online Operations), Kenneth E. Yednock, Will Yurman; Lectrs.: Jamey R. Perry (asst. dean, Academic Services), Joseph M. Selden (asst. dean, Multicultural Affairs); Adj. Fac.: Katharine Allen, David J. Aneckstein, David Baker, Bianca Barr, Kathryn Blevins, Jeff Brown (gen. mgr., ComRadio), Thomas M. Camden III, Curtis Y. Chan, Thomas Corrigan, Ben Cramer, Michelle Dangiuro, Michael Dawson, Lauren DeCarvalho, John Dolan, James Dugan, Andrew W. Elder, Linda Feltman, Keith Fledderman, Donald Hampton, Sally A. Heffentreyer, Chris Hennessey, Aaron Heresco, Margaret Hopkins, Heather Hottle, Erika Isler, Billy Johnson, Stephen A. Jones, Michael C. Joseph, Morgan Jurgenson, Guan-Soon Khoo, Hyangsook Kim, Ryan Lizardi, Dean Markussen, Chris Maurer, John J. Milewski, David Norloff, Alexandra Nutter-Smith, Kathleen O?Toole, Curtis Parker, Tina Peterson, John C. Powell, Steve Reighard, Jeffrey Rice, Jim Rodenbush, Christopher Rosenblum, Lori Shontz, Matthew Swayne, Charles Ungar, Lisa Warren, Jaclyn Wechtenhiser, Caryn Winters, Julia Woolley, Christopher Yorks, Thomas Yourchak, Jennifer Zeigler; Emer. Profs.: Richard L. Barton, R. Thomas Berner, Dennis Davis, William Dulaney, Robert Farson, H. Eugene Goodwin, R. Dorn Hetzel, John Nichols, Vincent Norris, Daniel W. Pfaff, Donald Smith.
MAJORS: Advertising/Public Relations, Film-Video, Journalism, Media Studies, Telecommunications.
DEGREES: BA in Advertising/Public Relations; BA in Film-Video; BA in Journalism; BA in Media Studies; BA in Telecommunications; MA in Media Studies; PhD in Mass Communications.
Pennsylvania State University, Altoona College
3000 Ivyside Park, Altoona, PA 16601. Tel.: (814) 949-5769; Fax: (814) 949-5774. Communications program, Bob Trumpbour, coordinator.
Communications Program: offers a Bachelor of Arts in an integrated program that balances theory and hands-on production. The major is designed to give students the experience to become versatile media practitioners with a curriculum that explores the implications of the transition to digital technologies and media convergence on our culture. Development of students? critical thinking skills are emphasized while students have the opportunity to learn a range of hands-on skills.
Pittsburgh, University of
526 Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Tel.: (412) 624-6536, FAX: (412) 624-6639. E-mail: patsy1<at> Department of English, Non-Fiction Writing (newspaper or magazine). Patsy Sims, Coordinator
Journalism Program: Undergraduate writing major in Newspaper and Magazine tracts, MFA in Creative Non-Fiction.
? Point Park University
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1984. Tel: (412) 392-4730, FAX: (412) 392-3917. Web site: <>. School of Communication, 1960. Ad Club, SPJ, PRSSA, CSB (College Students in Brdct. ? AWRT affiliation). Tim Hudson, Dean, Email: <thudson<at>>.
FACULTY:?Profs.:?Dane S. Claussen (Chair of Faculty), David J. Fabilli, Helen Fallon (Director, University Honors Program), Tim Hudson, Robert O?Gara; Assoc. Prof.:?Tatyana Dumova, Anthony J. Moretti (Acting Ass?t Dean), William R. Moushey Jr. (Director, Innocence Institute), Heather Starr-Fiedler, Johan Yssel (Director, IMC Program);?Asst. Prof.:?Steven M. Hallock (Director of Graduate Programs), Patrick Millard, Christopher Rolinson; Visiting Asst. Prof.: Dana Hackley.
SEQUENCES: Public Relations and Advertising, Journalism, Photojournalism, Photography, Digital Media, Integrated Marketing Communication. MA in Journalism & Mass Communication, MA/MBA w/Bus. School (three sequences: public relations/advertising management; television/digital media management; print/digital media management).
DEGREES: BA, BFA, BS, MA, concurrent MA/MBA (with School of Business)
Saint Joseph?s University
5600 City Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131-1395. Tel.: (610) 660-1891, FAX: (610) 660-3235. E-mail: ogilman<at> Communication Studies Major/Minor Program. Owen W. Gilman, Jr., Director.
Communication Studies: Communication Studies offers a major and a minor, with core courses such as Communications Theory and Practice and Ethics in Communications setting the stage for students to pursue specific interests that draw upon faculty resources in English (journalism, public speaking, organizational writing), Marketing (public relations, marketing communications, advertising), and Music, Theatre, and Film (digital film). These options are designed to prepare students for a wide range of career options in the communications field. Graduates who complete the Communication Studies major or minor will look for employment in public relations, advertising, print and broadcast journalism (TV and radio), convergent media, social media, writing for organizations, writing for the World Wide Web, and digital media production.
? Shippensburg University
1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257. Tel: (717) 477-1521; FAX: (717) 477-4013. Email: <commjour<at>>; Web: <>. Communication/Journalism Department. A. Joseph Borrell, chair.
FACULTY: Profs.: Edward J. Carlin, Margaret Evans; Assoc. Profs.: Jeffrey T. Bitzer, A. Joseph Borrell, Michael W. Drager; Asst. Profs.: John Ellerbach, Kimberly Garris, Carrie Sipes, Stephanie Anderson Witmer, Masdul Biswas.
SEQUENCES: Electronic Media, Print Media, Public Relations.
DEGREES: BA in Communication/Journalism, MS in Communication Studies.
Susquehanna University
514 University Ave., Selinsgrove, PA 17870-1164. Tel: (570) 372-4355; FAX: (570) 372-2757. Email: <augustin<at>>. Department of Communications, 1965. Larry D. Augustine, chair.
FACULTY: Larry Augustine, Catherine Hastings, Chad Hershberger, Randy Hines, David Kaszuba, Judith Morris, Beverly Romberger, James Sodt, Craig Stark
SEQUENCES: Broadcasting, Communications Studies, Corporate Communications, Journalism, Public Relations, Secondary Education, and Speech Communication.
? Temple University
2020 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, PA 19122-6080. Tel: (215) 204-7433, FAX: (215) 204-1974. Email: <journ<at>>; Website: <>. Department of Journalism, 1927. KTA, SPJ, NABJ, RTNDA, ED2010, Andrew Mendelson, chair.
FACULTY: Profs: Thomas Eveslage, Carolyn Kitch, Edward Trayes (dir. MJ prog.); Assoc. Profs: Christopher Harper, Andrew Mendelson (Dept. Chair), Karen M. Turner, Linn Washington;?Fabienne Darling-Wolf;?Asst. Profs: Shenid Bhayroo; Susan Jacobson; George Miller, Maida Odom (Internship Director), Larry Stains, Lori Tharps, Francesca Viola.
SEQUENCES: No required sequences. Areas of specialization include Broadcast Journalism, Magazine, Photojournalism, Public Affairs Journalism, Sports Journalism, International Reporting, Visual Journalism, Entrepreneurialism and Journalism, and more.
Ursinus College
Collegeville PA 19426-1000. Tel.: (610) 409-3603; FAX: (610) 409-3733. Email: <jmiller<at>>. Department of Media and Communication Studies. 1987. Jay K. Miller.
The Media and Communication Studies Department offers an interdisciplinary course of study in which students examine the aesthetic, cultural, economic, legal, political and ethical implications of communication in society. Based in the liberal arts and drawing upon social scientific and humanistic traditions, our program focuses on the creation, structure, criticism and impact of messages. This course of study aims to increase awareness of the centrality of communication to identity, social order and democratic processes. In an era of rapidly altering media technologies and delivery systems, this program specifically emphasizes the role of the media in contemporary American culture. With a wide range of theoretical and applied courses, students are encouraged to work with their major adviser to develop a courses of study that best meets their individual goals and challenges them to consider the relationship between theory and practice. A degree in Media and Communication Studies prepares students for graduate work in media and communication studies, for careers in the communication and information industries as well as for leadership positions in business, law, politics, and education
York College of Pennsylvania
MAC Center, Country Club Road, York, PA 17405-7199. Tel.: (717) 815-1354, FAX: (717) 849-1602. Email: <bfurio<at>>. Division of Communication. PRSSA. Brian Furio, chair.
SEQUENCES: Majors in Public Relations and Mass Communication.
FACILITIES: PRA, CN, AM/FM, DR, TV production center

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