Monday, September 3, 2012

Should Sugar Be Right Up There With Cigarettes? ?

Sugar is given to us once we are young. It is in baby food, cereals, milk, appetizers like pudding, jello, Popsicles, sweets, juices, soft drink, chocolate, yogurt, ketchup, barbeque sauces and pasta sauces. It is every-where and in lots of foods. Read the food labels. You may be astonished by the number of grams per serving. Television ads cater to kids all through youngsters? development and tell kids that services and products with sugar are healthier and beneficial to them. We?re brainwashed and controlled at young ages. Just how many times did we hear, ?If you?re good, you can have some chocolate or if you eat your entire meal, you can have dessert?? Sugar and sugar products have grown to be standard in many house holds. Grocery stores are notorious for manipulating kids? heads. Chocolate and sugar products are strategically placed at children?s eye level. Children are got by this marketing ploy to protest, cry and beg until our overworked nerves can not handle the sound or distress and we cave in to the pleading. Companies know how to work the device and our children.But placing all joking aside, how could this saturation of sugar be okay. Child obesity, child diabetes is growing out of control. How is feeding children all this sugar much better than smoking a cigarette by them? Why does not our U. S. Division of Safety, Health and Food crack down on the unhealthiness of sugar and request warning labels or get it off the shop shelves permanently? If we are thus focused on the increasing prices of insurance, we should have our children eating healthier. Maybe not serving young ones balanced meals is highly recommended a kind of daughter or son abuse. Developing good eating habits when students are small will hopefully bring into their adulthood making healthiest people hence causing with fewer medical problems.Insurance businesses should be engaged by asking people on the eating habits like they do with smoking. If smokers need to pay higher insurance fees, therefore must the individuals who indulge in poor eating. Why is consuming sugar satisfactory and smoking cigarettes isn?t? Everyone knows that consuming sugar causes fat leading to being unhealthy and fat can cause the possibility of getting diabetes, heart problems or strokes.Is sugar addictive like cigarettes? I am guilty of eating sugar. I wish I could drink my coffee each morning without sugar but I still digest at least 3 teaspoons per cup. Am I hooked or have my preferences been compromised from my childhood and all that penny chocolate we use to take? It absolutely was a vicious cycle that folks of my generation endured. We?d consume soda from glass bottles, and then recycle the bottles for candy income and more soda. We?re a product of our environment so our environment needs to change. Only fruits and veggies ought to be permitted at children?s eye level in shops. Commercials throughout youngsters? development must be for true well balanced meals. If we want to lower insurance costs and the need for medical care, we need to start today with one of these changes. Warning brands have to be added to sugar and fat causing foods and end promotion foods which are bad. Cigarette ads are not allowed on television; let us do the exact same with sugar and fat creating ingredients. Restaurants serving sugar and fat producing dishes must be required for legal reasons to offer warning verbiage next to these substances that are contained by each item on their menu or not allow them at all. With these changes, we ought to preferably also visit a positive decrease in tooth decay and dental care costs. Let?s begin our childhood out on the right foot with healthy eating habits, let us remove fat producing conditions. Help me spread the phrase without any more sugar for kids, warning labels on all sugar products and establish better eating habits. Let?s keep sugar goods out and out of sight from our youth, let?s allow it to be illegal. Schools must serve sugar-free meals and beverages and preach only about healthier foods. We may build a new basis in the years ahead if we all work and remain together.

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