Thursday, September 27, 2012

Google: Up Close and Way Too Personal | AVINASH | Web ...

Posted by Kristine M on Sep 27, 2012 in SEO | 0 comments

For being a functional and seemingly smart search engine, a lot of us have trusted Google for quite some time. We have always been pleased with the list of websites that it comes up with in its search results which is always accordance with the keywords that we use.

Google Firefox Browser SEO

And even while we have yet to complete the keywords that we are typing in the search box, Google does an excellent job in completing the keywords for us where in several circumstances, we even find better and more appropriate keywords in the list provided rather than the ones that we were initially planning to use.

But before you get too amazed with Google?s capability to give you the search results that you need all the while, haven?t you been wondering how come the results were so appropriate and applicable, as if Google knows you personally? Well, this is because Google was indeed, somewhat monitoring your Google activities, particularly your searches and other online activities. Furthermore, it remembers your searches and the websites that you have been into.

Birthday of Google - Most Important Internet Search Engine

However, there?s no reason for you to be flattered for being stalked by a search engine giant. They have their reasons in doing this to you and to the millions of other internet users utilizing their search engine and other platforms. Google is trying to get a couple of information through the user?s online activities in order to customize the advertisements to the user. This way, the ads that will be shown to the internet user will most likely be clicked or better yet, patronized since it is what the internet user needs at the time.

How much does Google know?

Aside from the user?s Google search activities, Gmail interactions, YouTube views, Google Plus activities, Google also looks up your location if you are using Google Maps. Users owning an Android phone will let Google know the brand and model of the device that he is currently using and perhaps, the telecommunications carrier and the mobile number. Other personal information can also be accessed by Google through the internet user?s Gmail account such as the full name, address, age, and how you look like through your profile picture.

Internet users can protect their privacy

Considering this capability of Google and other unscrupulous attacks online, people should not take the internet as an unsafe medium. Having a high speed internet connection is still ideal in businesses as well as households and there are a lot of safety precautions that internet users can employ to keep themselves from virus attacks, hackers, as well as Google?s data collecting.

Users who are pretty much troubled by this Google?s capability can set their browser in private browsing mode. This way, history files won?t be recorded and cookies will be deleted after use. However, when in this setting, some functions may not work properly such as automatic sign-in or Netflix.

It will also be a good idea to clear the browsing history. The Google account owner can do this by going to the search history while still logged-in to the Google account, and selecting the button, ?remove all web history?. To make sure that Google will have the least opportunity to remember your searches, it will be best to do every time you are done with the internet.

Kristine M. is an advocate of living a more convenient life with what technology has to offer such as high speed internet, broadband providers, latest gadgets and operating systems, etc. She also writes about how to find the best agent listing in the web.

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