Sunday, September 30, 2012

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Is that Brooke Shields smoking pot? Rep says no

By Brandi Fowler, E! Online

Call this one a case of mistaken identity. The Twitterverse went wild after a scanned old photo surfaced on Twitter with the caption "here is a photo of brooke shields smoking pot with h.r."


A screengrab of the image on Twitter that had people talking this week.

Find out why Brooke Shields was walking with a cane at the Met Gala

In the snap, that appears to have been taken years ago, a woman who bears a resemblance to Brooke Shields is sitting next to lead singer H.R. of seminal hardcore band Bad Brains and is smoking from a pipe.

Bad Brains' manager even went on to tell Gawker, "It's her. This would be from 1983. Hair length, and H.R. missing that tooth he knocked out hitting a huge stage divider pole at the Reggae Lounge. Brooke would have been around 18, maybe still a Ford model."

But, a rep for the former "Lipstick Jungle" star, denied that Shields is the woman in question puffing away, telling E! News, "That is definitely NOT her."

According to the Daily Mail, Shields told Nylon back in 2000 her mom turned her off to the idea of using drugs, saying, "I don't know if it's reverse psychology, but my mom would say, 'You wanna do drugs? Fine. Do them. Just do me a favor. Let me do 'em with you. I'll get you the best stuff. This way I know you're not going to die.' And the whole thing was so unappealing to me."

Check out Danielle Jonas' top twitpics!

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Wild horses sold by US going to slaughterhouses?

Susan Montoya Bryan / AP file

Wild horses scour the ground for strands of hay during an adoption event put on by the Bureau of Land Management in Albuquerque, N.M., in 2009.

By Dave Philipps / ProPublica

The Bureau of Land Management faced a crisis this spring.?

The agency protects and manages herds of wild horses that still roam the American West, rounding up thousands of them each year to keep populations stable.

But by March, government pens and pastures were nearly full. Efforts to find new storage space had fallen flat. So had most attempts to persuade members of the public to adopt horses. Without a way to relieve the pressure, the agency faced a gridlock that would invite lawsuits and potentially cause long-term damage to the range.?

So the BLM did something it has done increasingly over the last few years. It turned to a little-known Colorado livestock hauler named Tom Davis who was willing to buy hundreds of horses at a time, sight unseen, for $10 a head.?

The BLM has sold Davis at least 1,700 wild horses and burros since 2009, agency records show [1] -- 70 percent of the animals purchased through its sale program.

Like all buyers, Davis signs contracts promising that animals bought from the program will not be slaughtered and insists he finds them good homes.

But Davis is a longtime advocate of horse slaughter. By his own account, he has ducked Colorado law to move animals across state lines and will not say where they end up. He continues to buy wild horses for slaughter from Indian reservations, which are not protected by the same laws. And since 2010, he has been seeking investors for a slaughterhouse of his own.

"Hell, some of the finest meat you will ever eat is a fat yearling colt," he said. "What is wrong with taking all those BLM horses they got all fat and shiny and setting up a kill plant?"

Animal welfare advocates fear that horses bought by Davis are being sent to the killing floor.?

?The BLM says it protects wild horses,? said Laura Leigh, founder of the Nevada-based advocacy group Wild Horse Education, ?but when they are selling to a guy like this you have to wonder.?

BLM officials say they carefully screen buyers and are adamant that no wild horses ever go to slaughter.

?We don?t feel compelled to sell to anybody we don?t feel good about,? agency spokesman Tom Gorey said. ?We want the horses to be protected.?

Sally Spencer, who runs the wild horse sales program [2], said the agency has had no indication of problems with Davis and it would be unfair for the BLM to look more closely at him based on the volume of his purchases.

"It is no good to just stir up rumors,? she said. ?We have never heard of him not being able to find homes. So people are innocent until proven guilty in the United States."

Congress reverses a move that previously prevented the slaughter of horses for exportation of the meat. Paul Crawley reports.

Some BLM employees say privately that wild horse program officials may not want to look too closely at Davis. The agency has more wild horses than it knows what to do with, they say, and Davis has become a relief valve for a federal program plagued by conflict and cost over-runs.?

"They are under a lot of pressure in Washington to make numbers,? said a BLM corral manager who did not want his name used because he feared retribution from the agency?s national office. ?Maybe that is what this is about. They probably don't want to look too careful at this guy."


Wild horses embody the mythic West: Painted Indian war ponies and the cavalry mounts that chased them, pony express runners and the tough partners of cowboys.

At the turn of the 20th Century, they numbered in the millions, but most were rounded up, slaughtered, and used for pet food or fertilizer, until by 1970, there were only 17,000 left.

In 1971, Congress stepped in to save the remaining herds, passing a law [3] that declared wild horses ?living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West? and made it a crime for anyone to harass or kill wild horses on most federal land. The law tasked the departments of Interior and Agriculture with protecting the animals still roaming the range.

Dave Philipps / ProPublica

Tom Davis at his corrals in La Jara, Colo.

In a sense, the Bureau of Land Management -- the part of the Interior Department assigned to oversee the wild horse program -- succeeded in this a bit too well. Protected horses naturally began to reproduce and by 1983 there were an estimated 65,000 horses and burros on the range, competing for resources with cattle and native wildlife.

In the name of maintaining a sustainable balance, the BLM began removing horses from the wild. It now rounds up about 9,400 horses a year, which has kept the wild population at around 35,000.

The captured horses are put up for adoption. Almost anyone can have one for as little as $125 as long as they sign a contract promising not to sell it to slaughter.

Adoptions kept pace with round ups until investigations in the late 1980s and 1990s showed that many adopters, including several BLM employees, had turned a quick profit by selling the horses to slaughterhouses. To discourage such re-sales, the BLM began holding the title of sale for a year. Today the agency says it visits almost every adopter for a ?compliance check? within six months to make sure horses are well cared for.

The restrictions protected horses, but discouraged adoptions, a trend compounded more recently by a bad economy and soaring hay prices.

Today, only one in three captured horses finds a home. The rest go into a warren of tax payer-funded corrals, feed lots and pastures collectively known as ?the holding system.? Since horses often live 20 years after being captured, the holding population has grown steadily for decades from 1,600 in 1989 to more than 47,000. There are now more wild horses living in captivity than in the wild.

For decades, government auditors [4] and wild horse welfare advocates have warned that the policy of capturing and storing horses is unsustainable and have pushed for the BLM to use fertility controls, introduce predators or expand wild horse territories, but the agency has made little progress toward these goals. In the first half of this year, for example, it treated fewer than half as many wild horses with a birth control drug than was planned.?

"I think they are caught in an old way of doing things,? said John Turner, an endocrinologist at University of Toledo who specializes in wild horse fertility control. ?Once they round up the horses, I don't think they like to treat and release. They would rather remove them."

Driven by the cost of caring for unwanted wild horses, the annual price tag of the program has ballooned from $16 million in 1989 to $76 million today.

Cost pressures prompted Congress to pass a last-minute rider to a 2004 law directing the BLM to sell thousands of old or unadoptable wild horses for $10 a head without restrictions -- even for slaughter -- but the agency has not done so, fearing public outrage.?

Instead, since then, the BLM has been selling horses, but requiring buyers to sign contracts [5] saying they will? ?not knowingly sell or transfer ownership of any listed wild horse and or burro to any person or organization with an intention to resell, trade, or give away the animal for processing into commercial products." Violating the agreement is a felony, but there are no compliance checks similar to those done when horses are adopted.

Even when priced at less than a few bales of hay, these horses had little appeal: Sales dropped [6] from 1,468 in 2005 to 351 in 2008.

To explore other options for reducing the number of horses in holding, top BLM officials gathered for weekly closed-door meetings from July to October 2008. According to meeting minutes obtained by the Conquistador Equine Rescue & Advocacy Program, they considered selling thousands of animals for slaughter and even large-scale euthanasia, but concluded such actions would enrage animal-welfare activists to the point they might "threaten the safety of our facilities and our employees."

No clear plan emerged.

As the wild horse program?s situation grew increasingly dire, a new option came knocking: Tom Davis.


Davis, 64, a plain-spoken man with a sun-beaten brow, makes his living hauling livestock, but says reselling wild horses now accounts for a substantial part of his income.

By his own account, he has worked around horses all his life -- on racetracks, on ranches, and even rounding up wild horses for slaughter before the 1971 law put a stop to the practice.

For most of that time, he has lived in the tiny town of La Jara, in Colorado?s mountain-ringed San Luis Valley, just down the road from Ken Salazar, the former U.S. Senator who now heads the Department of the Interior.

?When my dad was alive we farmed their land,? Davis said of the Salazar family. ?I like them. I do business with them. I do quite a bit of trucking for Ken.?

(Salazar did not respond to repeated interview requests for this story.)

On a warm morning in May, Davis gave a rambling two-hour interview on the 13-acre spread of corrals and truck lots where he lives.

Leaning against the fence of a muddy corral where a half dozen horses nibbled hay, wearing dusty overalls, Davis gave a simple reason for becoming the BLM?s main buyer.

"I love wild horses to death,? he said. ?It's like an addiction. For some it's drugs, for me it's horses."

According to BLM records, Davis first contacted the program in January 2008. Documents obtained from the agency show he filled out the application [7] to become a buyer over the phone, aided by Spencer, the BLM?s sales director, who wrote in his answers to questions on the form. (A BLM spokesman said in an email that agency employees often did this in the program?s early days, but no longer do.)

Under a question concerning Davis? intended use of the animals, Spencer wrote ?use for movies.? He later told other BLM employees he sold the horses to Mexican movie companies to use on film shoots.

Under a question about what type of horses Davis preferred, the application noted he would take males or females, so long as they were big.

At the bottom of the application, Spencer wrote that she and Davis had ?Discussed goal of providing a good home and making sure none of the horses end up at slaughter plants.? A few weeks later, the BLM sent Davis 36 wild horses from its Ca?on City, Colo., holding corral.

That was the only load the BLM sent Davis in 2008, records show. But in 2009 -- a few months after the meetings about the holding crisis and two weeks after Salazar became head of the Interior Department -- the agency started sending him truckload after truckload, from all over the West. Soon he was by far their biggest customer.

Davis bought 560 horses in 2009, another 332 animals in 2010, 599 more in 2011, and 239 in the first four months of 2012, agency records show. While most BLM buyers purchase one or two horses at a time, Davis averages 35 per purchase and has bought up to 240 at a time.

The animals came from the mountains of California and Wyoming, the mesas of Colorado and Utah, and the deserts of Nevada and Oregon. Many had lived for decades in the wild: Mature band stallions and resilient mares of every color descended from the first American horses.

Davis has paid the BLM a total of $17,630 for the animals, far less than BLM has expended to provide them ? the agency estimates it costs $1,000 to roundup a wild horse and records show it has paid as much as $5,000 per truckload to ship them to Davis. Similar horses that are not acquired from the BLM and can legally be sold for slaughter fetch $300,000 to $600,000 on the open market, according to sales prices from regional livestock auctions.

Some BLM corral managers said in interviews they felt uneasy shipping so many horses to a single buyer, and one they knew so little about, but said such decisions weren?t up to them.

"That all happens in Washington," one said, echoing the comments of many. "We are just peons. We do what we are told."

Davis said BLM employees occasionally asked where his horses ended up, but said he tells them it?s ?none of your damn business.?

"They never question me too hard. It makes 'em look good if they're movin' these horses, see?" he said. "Every horse I take from them saves them a lot of money. I?m doing them a favor. I?m doing the American people a favor."


So what happened to the wild horses Davis purchased from the BLM?

The agency can?t say for sure. It does not hold onto the titles of wild horses acquired through its sale program as it does with horses that are adopted. Officials also have no process for following up to make sure buyers use animals as they claim they will in applications.

In the interview at the ranch, Davis said he had found most of the mustangs ?good homes? on properties mostly in the southeastern states.? Asked if he would provide records of these sales, he responded, ?Ain?t no way in hell.?

Other people who find homes for rescue horses in the region say they rely heavily on advertising and web sites to connect with buyers. Davis does not appear to do so.

?I?ve never heard of him,? said David Hesse, who runs Mustang and Wild Horse Rescue of Georgia [8]. ?If he said he is finding homes for that many old, untamed mustangs, I?m skeptical. The market is deader than dead. I have trouble finding homes for even the ones that are saddle-broken. Wild ones? No way.?

On some sales applications, Davis has said he sells horses to graze on land used for oil and gas drilling in Texas, but oil industry experts contacted for this story said they had never heard of such a practice.

According to brand inspection documents [9] required by Colorado when livestock is sold or shipped more than 75 miles, Davis and his wife say they have sent 765 animals with BLM wild horse brands to a sparsely populated stretch of arid brush country along the Mexico border in Kinney County, Texas. (The records do not give specific addresses where animals were sent, but identify small towns, such as Spofford, as their destination.)

It?s impossible to confirm that the horses actually arrived there or to know where they might have gone next, however, because Texas is one of the few Western states that do not require brand inspections when horses are moved or sold.

Just south of Kinney County is Eagle Pass, a border town that isthe only crossing for horses going to slaughter in Mexico for hundreds of miles.

There have been no horse slaughterhouses in the U.S. since 2007, when Congress barred funding for U.S. Department of Agriculture horse meat inspectors. Since then horse slaughter has been outsourced. A 2011 report by the General Accountability Office [10] found the export of horses for slaughter to Mexico shot up 660 percent after the ban.

In Eagle Pass, as at other crossings, slaughter horses are checked by USDA veterinarians. A? USDA spokeswoman refused to make veterinarians available for interviews, but confirmed that vets sometimes see wild horses bearing the BLM brand in slaughter export pens.

Brand documents leave almost 1,000 of Davis?s wild horses unaccounted for. That means they should still be within 75 miles of his residence -- if he has complied with state law.

Asked if this was the case, Davis first said the horses were still on 160 acres of land he leases from the state of Colorado. Then he said some had been shipped out of state without brand inspections, a misdemeanor punishable by up to 18 months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

"Since when is anything in this country done legal?" Davis said in a phone interview.


Had BLM officials inquired further about Davis, they might have found reason to question his plans for wild horses.

Davis is a vocal proponent of slaughtering wild horses in the holding system, which he considers a waste of resources. During the interview at his home, he said he would purchase far more horses if the BLM allowed him to resell them to so-called ?kill buyers.?

?They are selling me mere hundreds now,? he said. ?If they sold me 50,000, I guarantee I could do something with them. I would go to Canada. I would go to Mexico.?

Davis has close friends who export horses for slaughter, including Dennis Chavez, whose family runs one of largest export businesses in the southwest. In 1984, when Davis authored ?Be Tough or be Gone [11],? a self-published book about a horseback ride he took from Mexico to Alaska, he dedicated it to Chavez?s father, Sonny Chavez.

Also, despite the obstacles that impede U.S. horse slaughterhouses, Davis said he has been trying to drum up investors to open a slaughter plant in Colorado.

He said he had approached pet food companies to buy the meat and asked Ken Salazar?s brother, John Salazar, who is the head of the Colorado Department of Agriculture, to help him get a grant to finance the business. John Salazar declined to help Davis, and so far the slaughterhouse venture has not gone forward.

?How can the BLM say with a straight face they are protecting wild horses when they deal with this guy?? said Leigh, of Wild Horse Education.

Animal welfare advocates have raised concerns about Davis? purchases, but they say federal officials paid little attention.

In late 2010, the BLM rounded up 255 horses in the Adobe Town wild horse area [12] in Wyoming. A local loose knit group of advocates had been photographing the herd for years. After the round-up, group members called BLM officials, looking to adopt a few of the animals, particularly an old stallion they had named Grey Beard [13].

They were told that the horses had been claimed by an anonymous buyer who planned to resell them to large landowners looking for agricultural tax exemptions. The advocates tried to learn more about the buyer, but Spencer refused to give his name, citing privacy policies.

According to interviews and agency emails, group members told Spencer that anyone buying that many horses at once had to be a kill buyer.

Sandra Longley, one of the advocates, said in an email to another advocate that Spencer had assured her that the buyer in question had a long relationship with the BLM and was ?above reproach.?

A BLM spokesman said Spencer did not recall the conversation.

According to BLM records, most of the horses were sold to Davis.

Warnings from advocates about Davis do not appear to have prompted the BLM to reconsider selling to him.In fact, internal agency email shows that officials actively turned to Davis to absorb freshly rounded-up horses so they wouldn?t end up in the overloaded holding system.

In January, the manager of the agency?s corral in Burns, Ore., emailed superiors in Washington, D.C., to ask what to do with 29 mares, almost all of which were pregnant. Spencer replied that Davis would take them.

In March, a corral manager emailed Spencer to say he had 92 ?nice horses? just rounded up in High Rock, Calif., and to ask if Davis could take some of the geldings.

A day later Spencer replied, ?Davis told me that if the geldings are in good shape he will be able to place them into good homes.?

?How many would Mr. Davis want to buy?? the corral manager asked Spencer. ?And are there any specifics that he is looking for??

?He said he?d be interested in all of them, no specifics,? Spencer replied. ?

Spencer said in an interview she is under no pressure to approve buyers with questionable backgrounds and feels confident that ?we do not sell to people we feel are going to do bad things to the horses.?

When asked about Davis, she said he had been thoroughly checked out and she had confidence in him. More generally, she said that if there were problems with a buyer, she would know.

?People watch where our horses go and the brands are very distinctive,? she said. ?If things were going on, we would get a call.?

Davis? most recent purchase was in April, when he bought 106 animals. Since then, the agency may have opened an inquiry into what he has done with horses bought from the BLM.? In June, an agency investigator contacted this reporter seeking information about him. This month, however, the BLM assistant special investigator in Santa Fe (the contact supplied by the agency on this matter) said he was "unable to confirm or deny" that the BLM is investigating Davis.

Animal welfare advocates say the agency?s reliance on Davis is just another indication of how the wild horse program and its overburdened holding system have been mismanaged.

?He is just a symptom of the train wreck that is the Wild Horse and Burro program,? said Ginger Kathrens, director of the horse advocacy group The Cloud Foundation, based in Colorado Springs. ?They just warehouse more and more horses and create their own crisis. Then, after they run the program into the ground, they have to find ways out of it. It is a whole unnatural ridiculous system run amok. And who pays the ultimate price? Wild horses.?

This report, "All the Missing Horses," first appeared at

To contact Dave Philipps about this story, email him at

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FORTUNE --Are we experiencing a new normal for mergers and acquisitions?

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Friday, September 28, 2012

LG Escape (AT&T)

At this moment, AT&T is not lacking for quality smartphones under $100. You can get anything from the LG Nitro HD ?to the HTC One X ?to the Apple iPhone 4S ?for less than a Benjamin. But all of those phones started out with a much higher price, unlike AT&T's latest budget smartphone, the LG Escape, which is available for just $49.99 with a two-year contract.? Thankfully, this affordable price tag doesn't come at the cost of performance or features. The LG Escape has a powerful processor, blazing fast LTE data speeds, a bright, attractive display, and a thin design. Along with our Editors' Choice, the Pantech Flex, it's the model for what a new budget smartphone should look like.

Design, Connectivity, and Call Quality
Attractive in a slim, minimalist way, the Escape measures 4.96 by 2.54 by 0.37 inches (HWD) and weighs just 4.5 ounces. It's made of shiny black plastic with a light pattern printed on the back and a smoked chrome ring around the battery cover and display. The only false note is the textured, matte plastic band around the middle that looks a bit tacky. Otherwise, this looks and feels like a quality device.

The rest of the phone's design is understated as well. There's a volume rocker on the left edge, a Power button on the right, a 3.5mm headphone jack on the top, and a microUSB port on the bottom. That's it. There's about half an inch of bezel on either side of the 4.3-inch, 960-by-540-pixel IPS LCD, which looks beautiful. It gets very bright, and its 256 pixel-per-inch density makes for sharp text and images. The phone is light and comfortable to hold, and typing in both portrait and landscape mode is fast and fluid.

The Escape runs on AT&T's EDGE, HSPA+ 21, and LTE networks, and features 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi. Reception is strong, and like most AT&T LTE devices we've tested so far, the Escape pulled in some incredibly fast data speeds, with downloads averaging 18Mbps, and uploads just over 12Mbps. If you take a look at our Fastest Mobile Networks?survey, you'll see that AT&T's LTE can exceed Verizon's LTE speeds, though Verizon's LTE is more consistent and covers more of the nation.

Call quality is mostly good. In my tests, voices sounded a little crackly in the earpiece, with a slight echo in the background, but were otherwise loud and easy to hear. Calls made with the phone are extremely clear, and average noise cancellation helps to block out some, but not all, background noise. Calls sounded great through a Jawbone Era?Bluetooth headset and the stock Android voice dialer worked fine. The speakerphone sounds okay, and is just about loud enough to hear outside. Battery life was average at 6 hours and 27 minutes of talk time.

Processor, Android, and Apps
The dual-core 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 MSM8960L processor is no slouch. It isn't quite as scorching as the dual-core 1.5GHz S4 in the Samsung Galaxy S III, but it's fast enough to keep all the apps and games you want to play running along at a nice clip. You also don't have to worry about it becoming totally obsolete in the next few months.

The LG Escape is running Android 4.0.4 "Ice Cream Sandwich," along with LG's Optimus UI overlay. It's a fairly light skin, but it makes the phone feel a little more accessible and user-friendly than stock Android. Unfortunately, there's no word on an update to Android 4.1 "Jelly Bean," which seems to be the case for most current Android phones.


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Growing Old At Home, Community Care - Michigan Elder Law Center

Catherine Mack, 96, has lived in a four-bedroom house in New Jersey for 51 years, and has no intention of leaving. With retirement nest eggs shrunken due to the recession, and 90 percent of older adults indicating they want to grow old at home, continuing care retirement communities are offering a solution.

Only a dozen continuing care retirement communities exist across the country, mostly east of the Mississippi, but several more are under development. In traditional continuing care communities, members pay extremely expensive entree fees ($250,000 and up) and monthly fees ($2,000-$4,000 a month) for housing. In a continuing care program without walls, members also pay an entry fee ($20,000-@70,000) and monthly fees ($250 to $850), with the main focus on helping people stay healthy and independent in their home for as long as possible.

Larry Yachcik, president of Porter Hills Retirement Community and Services in Grand Rapids, Mich., believes continuing care communities will meet the growing preference of seniors to grow old at home. Their main focus is to bring you what you need, or find a way to make it easy for you to get it.

Armen Oumedian, 89, became a member of the Porter Hills program soon after its July opening, and see it as a tremendous way to unburden his family and maintain his community life. Programs vary, but all rely on care coordinators? familiarization with members, their living situations, physical health, and problems that arise.

Most programs cover the full cost of any-in-home care that?s needed (home health care nurses or companions who help older people bathe and dress), in addition to more intensive long-term services at no extra cost and without a waiting period.

Plans are tiered with varying levels of benefits. The most expensive cover 100 percent of services, while others can require a copayment of up to 30 percent for assisted living or nursing home care. Operators say the most expensive plans are the most popular, because people desire extra attention.

All programs require health insurance; long-term care insurance will discount rates; and programs will arrange in-home meals, physical therapy or transportation to medication appointments, as required.

To be eligible you must be healthy and functioning at a high level independently. Chronic health conditions will likely disqualify you because programs like this work by excluding people with immediate health needs, including any indicator of dementia, to help people remain healthy and at home as long as possible.

The Alexian Live at Home Program in Chattanooga, Tenn., is one exception, which will take people with mild dementia or cognitive problems who are otherwise in good health for its ?bronze? plan, which pays 70 percent of the cost of in-home services but excludes assisted living or nursing home care.

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Attorney Christopher J. Berry is a Metro Detroit estate planning and elder law lawyer who helps families, seniors, veterans and business owners with their important legal needs. Oakland County estate planning lawyer, Christopher Berry is a partner in the Bloomfield Hills law firm of Witzke Berry PLLC. Mr. Berry practices in the areas of estate planning, business, probate, veterans benefits & Medicaid planning. Follow Christopher on Twitter @chrisberryesq


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

NASA rover finds old streambed on Martian surface

ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2012) ? NASA's Curiosity rover mission has found evidence a stream once ran vigorously across the area on Mars where the rover is driving. There is earlier evidence for the presence of water on Mars, but this evidence -- images of rocks containing ancient streambed gravels -- is the first of its kind.

Scientists are studying the images of stones cemented into a layer of conglomerate rock. The sizes and shapes of stones offer clues to the speed and distance of a long-ago stream's flow.

"From the size of gravels it carried, we can interpret the water was moving about 3 feet per second, with a depth somewhere between ankle and hip deep," said Curiosity science co-investigator William Dietrich of the University of California, Berkeley. "Plenty of papers have been written about channels on Mars with many different hypotheses about the flows in them. This is the first time we're actually seeing water-transported gravel on Mars. This is a transition from speculation about the size of streambed material to direct observation of it."

The finding site lies between the north rim of Gale Crater and the base of Mount Sharp, a mountain inside the crater. Earlier imaging of the region from Mars orbit allows for additional interpretation of the gravel-bearing conglomerate. The imagery shows an alluvial fan of material washed down from the rim, streaked by many apparent channels, sitting uphill of the new finds.

The rounded shape of some stones in the conglomerate indicates long-distance transport from above the rim, where a channel named Peace Vallis feeds into the alluvial fan. The abundance of channels in the fan between the rim and conglomerate suggests flows continued or repeated over a long time, not just once or for a few years.

The discovery comes from examining two outcrops, called "Hottah" and "Link," with the telephoto capability of Curiosity's mast camera during the first 40 days after landing. Those observations followed up on earlier hints from another outcrop, which was exposed by thruster exhaust as Curiosity, the Mars Science Laboratory Project's rover, touched down.

"Hottah looks like someone jack-hammered up a slab of city sidewalk, but it's really a tilted block of an ancient streambed," said Mars Science Laboratory Project Scientist John Grotzinger of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

The gravels in conglomerates at both outcrops range in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball. Some are angular, but many are rounded.

"The shapes tell you they were transported and the sizes tell you they couldn't be transported by wind. They were transported by water flow," said Curiosity science co-investigator Rebecca Williams of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Ariz.

The science team may use Curiosity to learn the elemental composition of the material, which holds the conglomerate together, revealing more characteristics of the wet environment that formed these deposits. The stones in the conglomerate provide a sampling from above the crater rim, so the team may also examine several of them to learn about broader regional geology.

The slope of Mount Sharp in Gale Crater remains the rover's main destination. Clay and sulfate minerals detected there from orbit can be good preservers of carbon-based organic chemicals that are potential ingredients for life.

"A long-flowing stream can be a habitable environment," said Grotzinger. "It is not our top choice as an environment for preservation of organics, though. We're still going to Mount Sharp, but this is insurance that we have already found our first potentially habitable environment."

During the two-year prime mission of the Mars Science Laboratory,esearchers will use Curiosity's 10 instruments to investigate whether areas in Gale Crater have ever offered environmental conditions favorable for microbial life.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech, built Curiosity and manages the Mars Science Laboratory Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington.

For more about Curiosity, visit: , and .

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Google: Up Close and Way Too Personal | AVINASH | Web ...

Posted by Kristine M on Sep 27, 2012 in SEO | 0 comments

For being a functional and seemingly smart search engine, a lot of us have trusted Google for quite some time. We have always been pleased with the list of websites that it comes up with in its search results which is always accordance with the keywords that we use.

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And even while we have yet to complete the keywords that we are typing in the search box, Google does an excellent job in completing the keywords for us where in several circumstances, we even find better and more appropriate keywords in the list provided rather than the ones that we were initially planning to use.

But before you get too amazed with Google?s capability to give you the search results that you need all the while, haven?t you been wondering how come the results were so appropriate and applicable, as if Google knows you personally? Well, this is because Google was indeed, somewhat monitoring your Google activities, particularly your searches and other online activities. Furthermore, it remembers your searches and the websites that you have been into.

Birthday of Google - Most Important Internet Search Engine

However, there?s no reason for you to be flattered for being stalked by a search engine giant. They have their reasons in doing this to you and to the millions of other internet users utilizing their search engine and other platforms. Google is trying to get a couple of information through the user?s online activities in order to customize the advertisements to the user. This way, the ads that will be shown to the internet user will most likely be clicked or better yet, patronized since it is what the internet user needs at the time.

How much does Google know?

Aside from the user?s Google search activities, Gmail interactions, YouTube views, Google Plus activities, Google also looks up your location if you are using Google Maps. Users owning an Android phone will let Google know the brand and model of the device that he is currently using and perhaps, the telecommunications carrier and the mobile number. Other personal information can also be accessed by Google through the internet user?s Gmail account such as the full name, address, age, and how you look like through your profile picture.

Internet users can protect their privacy

Considering this capability of Google and other unscrupulous attacks online, people should not take the internet as an unsafe medium. Having a high speed internet connection is still ideal in businesses as well as households and there are a lot of safety precautions that internet users can employ to keep themselves from virus attacks, hackers, as well as Google?s data collecting.

Users who are pretty much troubled by this Google?s capability can set their browser in private browsing mode. This way, history files won?t be recorded and cookies will be deleted after use. However, when in this setting, some functions may not work properly such as automatic sign-in or Netflix.

It will also be a good idea to clear the browsing history. The Google account owner can do this by going to the search history while still logged-in to the Google account, and selecting the button, ?remove all web history?. To make sure that Google will have the least opportunity to remember your searches, it will be best to do every time you are done with the internet.

Kristine M. is an advocate of living a more convenient life with what technology has to offer such as high speed internet, broadband providers, latest gadgets and operating systems, etc. She also writes about how to find the best agent listing in the web.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

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Texas judge orders DNA tests in Hemsley death

(AP) ? A Texas judge has ordered DNA testing on a man who claims to be the brother of the late "The Jeffersons" star Sherman Hemsley.

Richard Thornton is challenging the validity of Hemsley's will, which names the actor's longtime manager, Flora Enchinton of El Paso, as sole beneficiary. Hemsley died of lung cancer July 24.

Judge Patricia Chew on Monday rescheduled the El Paso trial on Hemsley's estate to begin Oct. 31.

Thornton, of Philadelphia, sought the DNA testing and must provide results by Oct. 15. Hemsley was born in Philadelphia but had lived in El Paso for the past 20 years.

Court documents indicate Hemsley's estate is worth more than $50,000.

Associated Press


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Enhance Your Lifestyle With Simple Self Help Methods

It sometimes can feel challenging to basically know what you need to do to boost your way of life. The one thing you should note is in an attempt to gain as much details that you can which will help you enhance oneself. Using this article that you can do simply that. There are a lot of tips right here you are able to utilize in the direction of on your own-help goals.

Tend not to hesitate of errors. Once we gain knowledge from them, errors generally is one of one of the most helpful equipment for personal development. This does not necessarily mean you should try to get some things wrong, but alternatively you shouldn?t let the the fear of mistakes keep you from hitting your objectives. If you have a misstep, treat it like a chance to learn and add it to your encyclopedia of information.

One confident strategy to work on your individual advancement is to end allowing the body to manage you. There are several temptations that you really should take part in which are not good for you, such as alcohol and unhealthy food. Provided you can refrain from the attraction to present into these issues, you may feel much more in control and happy with on your own.

Refuse to other individuals without providing an apology. All of us have the right to say of course or no to things which come up in day to day life. A lot of work hard at expressing forget about typically, but really feel terrible or remorseful for doing so and after that turn out offering a myriad of factors or reasons. You do not need to pay men and women a description about your selections regarding your individual life. Learn to say no, without having apology.

Even though it might appear counterintuitive to growth you need to arrived at grips with because you are tiny. Within the excellent general scheme of issues, you happen to be very little and know minimal. If you understand this simple fact, it might be quicker to available your thoughts to discovering and ability to hear (and accepting) other people?s thinking.

Self improvement is not going to always suggest you need to locking mechanism yourself with your room and examine as challenging as possible. It may also suggest spending time in the market to make a move you enjoy. For those who have ignored your body, this may mean something such as enrolling in a local hockey class and tinkering with them.

Persistence is a building block in any great self improvement system. Committed goals and careful planning are typical personal development operations, but they are of tiny assist in the event the first indication of difficulty brings about the complete system to be abandoned. Mistakes and problems are expected ? self improvement is around relocating past them, not eradicating them.

As you have learned in the beginning in the article the better you know the better it gets to aid yourself. Be sure to don?t restriction you to ultimately the knowledge you acquired on this page. Ingest the details you acquired here and make use of past information and check out your very best to aid yourself. Eventually use any word of advice you may have acquired and see what matches your needs that?s the easiest way to become successful.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Windshield wiper for Mars dust developed: Actuator moved by materials that have shape memory

ScienceDaily (Sep. 24, 2012) ? A team of researchers at Universidad Carlos III in Madrid (UC3M) has developed a device that works as a windshield wiper to eliminate Mars dust from the sensors on the NASA spacecrafts that travel to the Red Planet.

The actuator, a type of brush made up of Teflon fibers that are moved by materials that have shape memory, was designed to clean the ultraviolet sensors that were part of the North American space agency's Curiosity mission, although, in the end, the device did not fly with the Martian rover. "In our laboratories, we demonstrated that it worked correctly in the extreme conditions that it would have to endure on Mars, with temperatures ranging between zero degrees and eighty below zero Celsius, and an atmospheric pressure one hundred times lower than that of the Earth," explains the head of the project at UC3M, Luis Enrique Moreno, a tenured professor in the Department of Systems and Automatics Engineering.

This device, whose technology will be used to carry out other space missions that are already under way, solves a problem presented by the atmosphere of Mars: the accumulation of iron dust on the flat surfaces of sensors. The Spanish firm Crisa, part of Astrium Espa?a, charged UC3M with developing this device, so that it could be built into the Curiosity mission's meteorological station, REMS (Rover Environmental Monitoring Station), which was developed by a consortium of research centers under the direction of the Centro de Astrobiolog?a (CSIC/INTA -- Astrobiology Center).

One of the greatest challenges presented by this type of project is to reduce its weight, given that launching any type of material into space is very expensive. Because of this, the design used in this device relied on a type of actuators based on material with shape memory alloys (SMA), a very light nickel and titanium alloy that allows movement when the composite is heated. "The main advantage is that these alloys produce a material that is very strong as related to its weight, that is, a thread of less than one millimeter can lift a weight of 4 or 5 kilograms," states Professor Moreno. "The problem presented by these mechanisms," he continues, "is that, because they are based on thermal effects, they are not as efficient as motor technology, although they are much lighter, which is a very important consideration in space missions."

This group and other research groups at the UC3M are currently working on a second, more elaborate prototype based on SMA technology; it will be used to clean dust from fixed meteorological stations that will be deployed as part of the MEIGA-METNET mission, whose Mars launch is set for the year 2014. "We are also using this technology to develop the exoskeletons used to aid people with mobility problems, trying to substitute motors with these materials, in order to reduce the devices' weight and increase agility in their use," points out Luis Enrique Moreno. According to the researchers, this new product could even be used in the future to improve the joints on the gloves used by astronauts during their excursions out of the spacecraft.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - Oficina de Informaci?n Cient?fica.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Essential Tips For Those Considering A Real Estate Purchase | Eric ...

You just need to be knowledgeable about buying real estate. Look at the advice in this article to simplify real estate purchasing.

If you are about to make a real estate investment, have some goals in mind. Do you want to work on achieving your short-term goals or your long-term goals? If the investment that you?re considering doesn?t fit in with t he goals that you?ve set, don?t do it. In many cases, property owners don?t consider their own needs, and wind up losing money because of it.

When you are negotiating the price of real estate, it is best to have a moderate approach. Most people are too aggressive in aiming for the very best deal. This usually ends up backfiring on them. You can have a firm idea of what you want to pay, but let the Realtor and lawyers have some leeway.

TIP! Come up with the money for your minimum mortgage down payment. If you do not have the down payment, you will pay private mortgage insurance (PMI).

Think about the parking situation in the area you?ll be buying a home. This is particularly important for homes without driveways. If there is not adequate parking near the property, you might find yourself walking a distance that is left to be desired.

When choosing an agent to assist you in searching for a home, ask this person the length of time he or she has resided in the area. If the agent has only been in the area for a short time, they may not be as aware of the neighborhoods, roads, and restrictions in the community as someone else might be. You should work with real estate agents who have lived locally for at least a decade.

Before purchasing a home, it is highly recommended you have an inspector perform an inspection on the home. Some homes look fine to the untrained eye, but need a lot of work. Not only can this cost you a lot of money, it could force you to make other living arrangements until the home is fixed.

TIP! If you have a home that you are serious about purchasing, make sure that you measure the square footage properly. You should personally confirm that the given square footage matches both the actual house and what is listed in public records.

Go for the home of your dreams. Although many say that this is a bad time to purchase or sell larger properties, others have a different opinion. This may be the best time to buy your dream property because housing prices are expected to rise.

When looking to purchase a new home, it is very important to avoid the trap of judging a house based on its decor. You should purchase a home because it is built well and for the shape it is in. Purchasing a home strictly for its design appeal may cause you to miss some potentially serious problems within the structure itself.

You most likely will want to work with an attorney that is familiar with foreclosures if that is the type of property you are looking to purchase. Because problems can occur during pre-foreclosure or foreclosure deals, a legal representative is a good person to have on your side. Although it may seem like an unnecessary expense, it can potentially save you thousands of dollars.

TIP! Make sure you are familiar with the types of housing available in the neighborhood you would like to live in. You don?t always want to shoot for the biggest house in any particular neighborhood.

Knowing how to properly approach the market as a buyer will be the difference in success and failure. You will have to learn more about real estate. You can utilize the information from this article to help you be a more informed buyer. The rest from this point is in your

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Monday, September 24, 2012

iPhone 5 speaker review

The iPhone 5 is thinner, lighter, longer, brighter, and faster than ever before. But is it louder? iPhones have always sounded good through headsets, and they can even pump out decent sound through Bluetooth these days. Yet year after year, iPhone after iPhone, little or no attention seems to get paid to the on-board speakers. While others experiment with everything from the solid Dolby to the silly Beats by Dre, the company that created the iPod + iTunes, has traditionally not devoted the Keynote-time to killer audio that they have killer camera optics. This year, however, my hopes were raised. Apple's iPhone 5 event did indeed feature an entire segment on speakers --- but only for the new EarPods. What about the on-board speakers?

As it turns out, and as you can hear -- and see -- there have been some minor improvement to sound levels on the iPhone 5's on-board speakers as well. That said, and while there's only so much you can do with a device as small as the iPhone, there's no reason Apple shouldn't be the absolute best-in-class device when it comes to all forms of audio. There's no reason they shouldn't be as innovative and industry-leading with sound as they are with optics, with speakers as they are headsets. Speaker quality matters, for everything from taking a hands-free or conference call, to using accessibility features like VoiceOver.

Next year I'd like to see Apple blow me away with not only how great the iPhone 5S camera is, or EarPods are, but how great the speakers are.

Until then, I'll have to stick to my headsets and Bluetooth, and suffer the tiny, tinny speakers for another year...


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