Thursday, July 19, 2012

Animation- Illusion Of Movment

Sequences of images for creating an illusion of movement which is rapidly displayed are referred as Animation. The basic way of representation of animation is as a video program, although there are also presence of other methods also like motion picture and many others. In simple words an animation is described as a method of making videos, motion pictures, movies, computer games through models or drawing of living beings which seem to move. An illusion is produced by the consecutive display of images of static elements. In case of movies production it refers to the technique where the movie frames is produced individually. Several methods are there of creating these movie frames like it can be done through computers or by photographing a painted image etc. and then photographic the results via a special animation camera. Every design, photographs, movies etc are incomplete without a proper animation.

In case of compute an animation is a very easier procedure than film animation as it cost less labor intense and also with cheaper rate. Another advantage of computer animation is a bigger margin of error, because the use of digital files helps to undo any mistakes up to a certain number of steps. Though this has been basically used for entertainment purpose but now recently apart from that is has also been used as educational animation and instructional animation to modify and make learning and explanation easier. Previously animation was not at all popular neither there was much value of this talent. But with the advancement of technologies in recent generation the popularity of animation has increased. Various animation contests are organized as there is lot of competition under this field.

Viewing the upcoming interests of the people in the field of animation various animation talent, animate or competition has been organized in order to encourage the people more in this field. This field has existed since 1950s and day by day as per the advancement of the world it developing more. Many individual animation producers have now joined the professional animation industry based on its facilities and importance all over the world. This method was pioneered by UPA and popularized by some of the famous personalities.

About the Author:
Satty Jones is the author of above article. Learn more about Animation with tallenge.For further information kids photography contest visit their website:


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