Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why Facebook Is Still The Perfect Startup (Slides)

Facebook and mobile walled gardensFacebook had another tough day today in the public markets, with shares now trading at around $28 after debuting less than two weeks ago at $42.05. Good timing, then, for a new slideshow report out today from the boutique French consulting firm faberNovel, which encourages us to look at the bigger picture, and why, in its words, Facebook is "the perfect startup." The mammoth slideshow is an annual thing for?faberNovel, which picks one company to tackle each year -- others have included how Amazon controls e-commerce, how Apple dominates, and what could go wrong with Google. Like those before, the one out today on Facebook?is a deep-dive into the company, and it looks not just at the origins of the social network, but what sets it apart from other attempts at global social networks -- and other startups. (And by the way, faberNovel sees all this drama and attention on the IPO as just "one point on a startup trajectory." Some investors may not feel quite the same.)

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