Monday, May 28, 2012

Former Apple Employee: ?People Are Embarrassed By Siri?

Posted by Arron on 25 May 2012 @ 6:11 PM

Arriving as perhaps a rare insight into the inner workings of the company, speaking to Fortune earlier this week, Adam Lashinsky, cited that a ?former insider? at the firm had noted to him that ? if Jobs was still around today ? the CEO would have ?lost his mind over Siri.?

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According to the report, Steve would have been so shocked at how the feature functioned for the end-user, questions are now surfacing surrounding whether or not the virtual assistant itself was launched prematurely to make Apple?s iPhone 4S introduction.

CNN reports:

The ultimate ?tell? of tectonic changes at Apple will be the quality of its products. Those looking for deficiencies have found them in Siri, a less-than-perfect product that Apple released with the rare beta label in late 2011, a signal that the service shouldn?t be viewed as fully baked. Siri?s response time has been slow, meaning the servers and software powering it are inadequate. ?People are embarrassed by Siri,? says one former insider. ?Steve would have lost his mind over Siri.?

Earlier today we began a poll to determine the general felling among you, our readers, as to your satisfaction level of Siri on a personal level.

As of writing, we can reveal that 41.03% of you believe the feature is ?Flaky,? ? (although you note this was generally expected from a product still in ?Beta?) ? while 30.77% of you believe Siri does everything Apple says it does ? (and well).

Leaving 28.21% of you ?disappointed? with the feature and wanting more.

/ AppleInsider

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