Thursday, May 17, 2012

Advice on Crumbling relationship - Talk About Marriage

Fellas need your advice,

Im in the service, I dated my wife a short and brief time before I came on Orders to get stationed in Korea. After being there a few months I had gotten her pregnant.

She did not want to move their with me so I physically saw her and the baby about 7 or 8 weeks total time out of the 2 years in Korea. I noticed that we started arguing alot more than often, right around the time I due to come back to the states.

On one of my trips home about a year ago, I had a brief affair and got caught. My wife is being extra 'clingy' and 'paranoid', as she has every right too, since I was the one who got caught.

Now, I'm stateside for the last 9 months and she still has not relocated with me, instead still staying with her Mother. This has caused alot of issues itself, 3 years married but apart. I often ask her to bring my daughter over to visit my parents, but there is always some sort of excuse for her to not bring her by, which also causes alot of arguments.

She decided she was going to relocate with me, but this would not take place for another 3-5 months She isnt going to school, just working a part time job at a grocery store. Am I missing something? After being exposed of my brief affair, the MIL has been a total **** about things. I am actually "banned" from her house now. I know her Mother is feeding this ridiculous ideas into her head.

How do I feel about my wife? I feel that we've been apart so long that Im just sticking around for the kid, kind of like keeping the marriage on life support, but the marriage feels like a vegetable. I'm not physically attracted anymore, and my bond with her has dropped significantly.

Is it wrong to stick around just for the sake of the kid? Or should I just Cut all ties? Should I try to make the bond stronger? I also feel like her Mother is going to drive me nuts, and I almost feel like Im married to her, I don't want any associations with that **** any longer than I have too.

Any input or advice.

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