Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bankruptcy: Some Tips You Should Know About | Siben & Siben ...

TIP! Do not drag your feet when trying to figure out if bankruptcy is right for you. Although it may be tough to admit you are in financial trouble, the more you wait the higher the debt becomes.

There are quite a number of people who have been affected by the economy, and now find themselves buried in debt. They have lots of collection agencies looking for them and they have trouble paying their bills. If this situation sounds familiar, you may decide to consider filing personal bankruptcy. Keep reading to see if this is a viable solution for you.

TIP! Before declaring bankruptcy, it is important to know your rights. There are unscrupulous debt collectors who may suggest that your obligations cannot be included in a bankruptcy.

Take the time to find a simpler solution to your financial issues, before filing for bankruptcy. For example, you may want to consider a credit counseling plan if you have small debts. Also, if you just contact your creditors and speak to them plainly and truthfully, the odds are good that you can negotiate a better payment structure that you can afford.

Credit Card

TIP! Your lawyer should not make decisions for you. The complexities of bankruptcy law will be familiar to your lawyer.

Do not think bankruptcy is the answer to getting rid of taxes you owe. Some people who file pay their taxes with credit cards, then immediately file for bankruptcy on those cards. They do this thinking they can skip paying taxes somehow because they left the balance on their credit card. Unfortunately, you?ll just end up having to pay your credit card balance plus interest.

TIP! For example, if a student loan is the major player in your debt, bankruptcy will be of little benefit. Even though laws are different in different states, debt from student loans are some of the most difficult kinds of debt to be discharged.

Do a little bit of research into the regulations having to do with filing for bankruptcy before you begin the process. Without knowing the exact rules, you could inadvertently run into serious issues that could ultimately lead to your bankruptcy failing. It is even possible to make the sorts of errors that can cause your case to be dismissed. Make sure you check into your case and see that you have the paperwork filled out correctly. This will ensure your bankruptcy will go smoothly.

TIP! Several of those who?ve already filed for bankruptcy vow that they won?t have a credit card ever again. This is not wise, since credit cards can help to rebuild credit.

It is important that you do not transfer assets of any kind to another individual within one year of filing for bankruptcy. Such an action would be considered an effort to hide valuable assets and might cause your case to be dismissed prematurely. Many assets may even be safe no matter what, making such gestures unnecessary. In any case, it is not right to transfer your assets, so if you have transferred any, be sure to wait before filing bankruptcy.

Credit Cards

TIP! If you realize that you do not qualify when it comes to the Homestead Exemption when you file for chapter 7 bankruptcy, then you might be able to use chapter 13 bankruptcy when it comes to your mortgage. There may be situations in which it makes more sense to convert a Chapter 7 case to a Chapter 13, but it is important to discuss such a strategy with your lawyer.

You should avoid paying your taxes with credit cards and then immediately file for bankruptcy. In most states, this debt won?t be discharged, and you could end up owing the IRS a whole lot more. Should the tax be dischargeable, the debt is often dischargeable as well. So, in short, do not use your credit cards to pay off debts right before you file for bankruptcy.

TIP! Before you decide to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you should consider what your bankruptcy might have on others, as your family and friends may be affected. When filing Chapter 7, you are not legally responsible for the debts in your name.

Do a check of your credit report from all the top companies who report on consumer credit after two or three months have passed following your bankruptcy. Errors occur, so make sure things appear exactly as they should. Challenge discrepancies as soon as possible in order to repair your credit.

TIP! Find out how much you owe to your different creditors. Be sure your list is complete as it will form the basis of your personal bankruptcy filing.

Do your homework so you thoroughly understand the laws pertaining to bankruptcy before you file. For instance, somebody cannot transfer assets from a filer?s name up to a year after they file. It is also illegal for someone who files for bankruptcy to drastically increase their debts on credit cards immediately before filing.

TIP! A good tip when it comes to personal bankruptcy is to reconsider having a divorce, if you are finding yourself constantly in a hard financial situation. Many people file for bankruptcy right after getting divorced because they cannot deal with their financial hardships.

As you can see, there is a lot of help available if you are considering filing for personal bankruptcy. Always remember that people who become informed before going through the motions do much better with everything involved. Take your time to read and to understand these tips before implementing them and using them to your advantage


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