Saturday, October 27, 2012

3 Main Profit Boosters for Your Business ? Erica Mathews

While building your business online, there are 3 main profit boosters you will want to focus your attention on for massive results quickly.

The 3 main profit Boosters are:

  • Leads You Create

  • Your List

  • Leverage


Leads You Create:

Generating leads is not a hard task.? You need a great offer, a way to put the offer in front of people, and a reason for them to act now.

Nothing happens without a lead. No sales, no profit, nothing. You will need a constant flow of leads to build your business and boost your profits online.? There are many different ways to generate leads.? One of my main free traffic sources is social media.? You can blog, create videos on Youtube, share valuable content on top social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest. ?These lead generation techniques will drive tons of traffic back to your website or your capture page when you provide valuable content.? The key is to consistently provide value and at the same time target potential buyers / clients.

Your List:

Once you generate leads back to your offer, you want to add their information to your email database.? Setup an opt in form on your website or capture page so that you can add subscribers to your list. ?I know that you may have heard this statement many times before,,, ??the money is in your list?. ?This statement is only true if you are building a list of qualified people that are interested in what you have to offer.? Build a list of potential buyers who are looking for solutions to their problems.? Build a relationship and provide tons of value to your list on a consistent basis. Offer your list products and helpful tools to help solve their problems.


Work smarter, not harder.? Leverage is how to get greater results from your time, efforts, and services.? The internet is a great tool to get your products and services in front of thousands of people in less time.

Here are a few ways that you can use leverage to boost profits in your business.

  1. You can leverage social media to get your message out.
  2. Create valuable content for retweets and shares.
  3. Get?referrals?from you current clients.
  4. You can boost your profits by leveraging your knowledge and package it into information products. ?Create the product one time and sell it over and over. ?You can sell your products through a market place like Clickbank.
  5. Add your offer in your email signature.


As business owners, you are in 2 businesses:?

  • You are in the business of Markeing and Selling what you do.
  • You are in the business of?Delivering?what you do.

Now, there is only one of those two businesses that are going to pay the bills.? And that is the marketing and selling what you do.? Because if you can not attract clients and customers, you can not deliver your products and services.? So marketing and selling are the main strategies for any business to boost your profits.


These 3 profit boosters will help you create massive success online. ?Take action now to start creating more leads, building your list, and getting more leverage in your business.

Erica Mathews is a lifestyle entrepreneur, online business & marketing coach, and Founder of Visionary Marketing Solutions. Helping YOU create more leads, build your brand, and BOOST your business online. "Be Empowered,,,Live The Life You Love".

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