Friday, June 1, 2012

'Breaking Dawn' Characters Meet Their 'Destinies' In 'Part 2'

In lead up to Sunday's MTV Movie Awards, 'Twilight' producer promises vampire series finale will give fans 'closure.'
By Kara Warner

Kristen Stewart in "Breaking Dawn - Part 2"
Photo: Summit

Judging by everything we know about the fifth and final installment in the "Twilight" series, "Breaking Dawn - Part 2" is going to be a fitting, action-packed and altogether epic conclusion to the über-popular franchise.

Bella and Edward have a daughter, Bella fully becomes a vampire and we get to meet some new fanged friends of the Cullens. When MTV News caught up with "Twilight" producer Wyck Godfrey recently, we asked for his thoughts on the addition of all the new vamps, as well as what scene he thinks will be the fan favorite when the finale hits theaters in November.

"I think it's about time," Godfrey said of introducing new blood from other covens in "Part 2." "I think there's that sense when you're reading the book and you start to see the entire spectrum of vampires around the world — it expands the whole unit in a way, you're dying for that to happen.

"And as a movie, when you finally start to see who Carlisle's friends are around the world, you're like, 'Who's next? Who's next?' We've done a really good job with the casting of those roles," he continued. "Lee Pace makes an extraordinary Garrett, and we had a blast shooting that stuff."

Godfrey went on to say that he particularly enjoyed the multiple character arcs and the way in which the film ends, adding that it's a proper conclusion with a little something extra beyond what's in Stephenie Meyer's book.

"For me, the last movie is all about closure and the characters finally coming fully into themselves about what their destinies are," he said. "Edward becoming, in a sense, the patriarch of the family; Bella becoming a mother and a vampire finally, which I think is truly the thing everyone wants to see. It is ultimately the closure of their lives. For those that have followed [the films] from beginning to end, there is a great final moment where you really get to re-live that entire the experience and I think that is something the fans can look forward to."

Speaking of "Breaking Dawn"-related anticipation, something else fans can look forward to is the possibility of a fourth Best Kiss win for stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson at the 2012 MTV Movie Awards, airing live this Sunday, June 3, at 9 p.m. ET.

Head over to to vote for your favorite flicks now! The 21st annual MTV Movie Awards air live this Sunday, June 3, at 9 p.m. ET.

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