The typical multi level network is a tremendously profitable endeavor for the pioneers of the program. Just as large corporations reward higher ups for the hard work and production of those who do the grunt work, so do the multi level pyramid compensation plans of mlms. The defenders of multi level programs use the corporate paradigm as a defense of its structure, but the people at the bottom of the food chain, and even those in the middle are not promised they will be able to afford high end homes and European vacations if the recruits work really hard. And if the paradigm holds, they are not rewarded with those high end prizes if they convince all their fellow workers to join them in a quest for more productivity. An mlm network marketing opportunity is a chance to become wealthy. So is looking like Brad Pitt, singing like Pavarotti, building empires like Donald Trump and public speaking like Barak Obama. Study after study has shown that multi level marketing is generally not a good deal for those getting in the game, but maybe you can beat the odds so here is a checklist of things one needs to know before jumping in to an mlm network marketing opportunity.
The first thing to do is decide how sold you really are on the product being offered. In most cases, the cost of the product is measurably higher than a comparable product purchased at a drug store or department store. Of course the talking points will always be addressing the superiority of the product sold door to door or niece to uncle. A special alloy manufactured in France makes this whirligig far superior to the one bought at Walbaum's or so says the mlm mantra. Every product offering coming out of a multi level program is touted as being the most this and the most that but the question is whether or not the higher prices can be sold as a bargain for the product received. A nine hundred dollar revolutionary air purifier may actually be quite superior to the one for four hundred, but can it truly be marketed on a sustained basis and keep the average recruit excited about defending the cost at every turn?
The second question about any mlm network marketing opportunity is a personal one only the reader can answer. In the twenty first century, mlm training is stressing relational recruiting which embodies what some might call bridge building to customers and candidates for recruitment. In a nutshell, relational recruitment means that before someone buys into the program, he will have to know and trust the person giving the pitch. Now that's great with the circle of family and friends that a person has, but what happens when that runs out? The question becomes whether or not an mlm network marketing opportunity recruit who is not a natural salesperson can make the training and the knowledge of the product stronger than the natural hesitancy to build bridges with strangers and put a relationship ahead of the urge to sell something. All recruits can be trained to repeat a mantra, but not all are natural sales people and many are very introverted but looking for a way to increase their income. The mlm superhighway is littered with the wrecks of dreamers who envisioned wealth but experienced an inner conflict between what the marketing company demanded and who they actually were.
Finally, those looking for the right mlm network marketing opportunity will have to know how compensation is handled and this is where real problems can begin. Believe what you will, but there are mathematicians who have proven that the multi level marketing plan is a real loser for the majority of recruits. Many online websites are replete with anecdotal stories of people realizing that as recruits, have bought more product from the mlm company than they have made for commissions. The unilevel paradigm is the model that allows someone to recruit as many persons as he can over a lifetime which sounds exciting, but is a proven dud for the lowest rung associates. The binary model limits the number of recruits one can have to two and spreads the wealth more evenly among those above and below the pyramid. The most promising mlm network marketing opportunity is the compressed multi level which is the new compensation model designed to retain more associates for a longer period of time. Know the answers to all of these questions and also know that God loves you very much, for as Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

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