Thursday, April 5, 2012

Love Relationships and What They Mean For Your Pick-Up Career ...


She found out he has a girlfriend

How do love relationships and the pick-up scene mix? Or maybe they don?t.

I think this is something that a lot of guys who join the ?seduction community? essentially think about to themselves. They look at themselves as having a pick-up career. I think that is a dangerous head space to get into. It can actually really impact your ability to build proper connections with people and be able to give rather than receive love.

What I find with guys who haven?t had a lot of success, is that when they do start to get some interest from girls they often are really eager to jump into a relationship. They?ve never had this opportunity before. A lot of the time, it?s the reason why they got into the community in the first place, and why they found websites like this one and really worked hard on becoming better people.

There is also a little bit of a challenge there for them, in that they?re actually enjoying the process of going out and meeting new women, they?re recognizing that the process is quite enjoyable for them. They want to explore a relationship, but at the same time they are enjoying meeting all these new women. They are enjoying the process of becoming more attractive to people, learning new strategies and skills, and quite frankly, it?s exciting.

They?ve spent their entire life not being seen by women as sexual creatures, and now that they?re starting to feel like they need to put an end to that, it?s hard. It can be a really big challenge. What a lot of guys try to do is, they try to meld the two together.

They say to themselves, they are going to commit themselves to a relationship, to commit themselves to loving this girl? but, they are also going to work on continuing to improve their pick-up skills. They?re just not going to actually pick up. They want to still go out and open girls, they want to get girls attracted to them, but when the opportunity is there to kiss them or to escalate on them, the guy thinks he?s just not going to do it.

That it is a flawed philosophy for guys to get into. They need to think very carefully before committing to that approach. What generally happens is that, they neglect their own relationship, they put their girlfriend in a situation where the lines are really blurred on whether they are over-stepping the mark.

They?re also putting a lot of pressure onto themselves because they?re meeting new girls, getting girls sexually attracted, opportunities are there for them, and then they are having to say ?no, this is the line. I can?t cross this particular line.?

The third thing is. that it?s just not fair to the girls that you?re approaching. We are all about building better men here at Vin Dicarlo. We are about building authentic and genuine connections. If your intent is to get a girl attracted to you and not escalate, what you?re essentially doing is fucking it up for the rest of the male population.

What guys are far better off doing is ? if they really want to continue to do both ? they need to be open and honest in their communication with their girlfriend. They need to set up their relationship so that it?s an open relationship. From my experience, exclusive relationships do not mesh with pick-up.

Tags: challenge, new strategies, open relationship, pick-up skills, seduction community

Category: All Articles, Approaching Women, Articles, Dating Tips, How To Be A Player, Lifestyle Tips, Seduction, Vin DiCarlo

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