Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hypnosis And Anger Management | Articles Bright

Anger is best defined as an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation, to intense fury and rage. It is a perfectly natural and potentially productive human emotion; a response to a threat that provokes strong, often aggressive feelings, which permits us to fight back and defend ourselves. As such, in the days of prehistoric man, experiencing anger was important to survival.

However in more recent times, we generally feel anger when we are being hurt; our personal space is violated; our desires are being ignored; or, during numerable other scenarios where our expectancies are not being met. In these situations we express anger as a means to recover control of the situation and from that viewpoint; it is a natural state.

The majority of people experience a healthy dose of anger many times during their lives. However anger becomes a problem when it is experienced too often, too strongly, or for long periods of time.

Too Frequently ? most people make a response to hard everyday circumstances by experiencing relatively healthy emotions like stress, frustration, hurt or perhaps fear; they reserve anger for the truly significant scenarios in life. However for some of us, we tend to respond to everyday scenarios by straight away getting angry and it becomes an all too frequent response, having an effect on our relationships, our careers and the quality of our lives.

Too Intensely ? even when many of us get angry, the level of anger is generally limited to raising the voice and expressing 1 or 2 choice words. However for some of us we find our anger is much more intense, and when we get caught up in it, it leads to pointless levels of aggression and quite possibly violence.

Too Long ? and even when normal people get angry to a more intense level, because of venting the anger, they often find it subsides within a short amount of time. However for a few of us, once we?re into the cycle, it?s hard to get out of. Even after the situation is over, we may stay caught in a loop, considering disturbed thoughts and images for no productive purpose, leaving us with a lingering sense of anger, victimization, and disappointment that penetrates us and those around us for hours, maybe days.

And when we experience anger that?s too frequent, too intense or much too long lasting, there are dangerous effects on our health ? because anger involves the activation of many physical arousal systems, anger causes a truly real stress on your body. New scientific studies have discovered that re-occurring anger contributes to a bunch of illnesses, including coronary disease and raised blood pressure.

For those of us who realise we?re wounding and pushing away the people in our lives, damaging our family, social and work relations, not to mention our health, there is a flood of self-help material out there on the internet. But does it work? Well that?s something that you?re going to have decide by yourself. But here?s the point, the number one source of anger related issues is the sub or unconscious mind. Anger is not a conscious response ? if you could consciously choose to stop getting angry, would you not simply make a decision to do so? The reality is this would be a little like asking your conscious mind to forget how to ride a bike. You could not could you, regardless of if you attempted to? And that is the point, while all of these helpful systems could have some merit, they don?t cope with the genuine source of the issue, they do not access the unconscious mind, the reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that sit outside of our conscious awareness and influence all our behaviors and experiences.

Thru hypnosis , we can obtain access to the subconscious mind and harness its intense power to reprogram habitual patterns of behaviour, such as responding angrily to everyday scenarios.

Hypnosis bypasses the conscious mind and creates an alternative state of consciousness in which attention is targeted away from the present reality. Rather like day dreaming, attention can then be focussed toward particular images, thoughts, perceptions, feelings, motives and behaviours which should help change our habitual responses and learned behaviours.

Our body already has natural mechanisms to handle stress and control emotions like anger, but sometimes they must have help in operating properly. Hypnosis helps you do that ? it enlists aid from your unconscious mind in making the necessary long term changes for you to be free of anger, permitting you to be altogether more relaxed and in control in all those situations in which you used to lose control. has produced convenient to use health calculators since 1998. HealthStatus is working with Hypnotist Justin Tranz on a Hypnosis for Weight Loss program and other exciting Hypnotic Audios.


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