Saturday, December 17, 2011

Holiday Pets

We just had a pet emergency here at home. My corgi Kylie, who was never spayed (because she never leaves the yard or spends time with unfixed male dogs, and my pug needed a few surgeries that left me unwilling to put another beloved under the knife at the time), somehow contracted a very serious uterine infection that required an emergency surgery.

Kylie with my daughter, on a better day.

Due to her age, 10, and state of the infection, the doctor gave us dire warnings that she might not make it. But the alternative was kidney failure and death, so? the good news, she made it. She?s home recovering and it seems she will be just fine and with us for a while longer. Thank goodness!

Kylie, not feeling so great after surgery.

Starting to feel better, taking it slow.

This reminds me? pets are expensive. We love them and it?s worth it, but not everyone has a spare few hundred (or thousand, as it may be) for emergency pet care these days. Times are tough. Just something else to consider before adopting a new pet. I?m sure Jane Lynch here, who just adopted this lucky little one, won?t have any trouble.

Congrats to the Jane Lynch family!

But, giving a live animal as a holiday gift is usually a bad idea, for a number of reasons discussed here. But mainly because a) a lot of people who think they want pets are not really ready for the responsibility and b) even if the time is right to add a new member to the family, the holidays are a source of stress and new situations, and maybe the new addition would make an easier transition outside the added excitement/visits/decorations that the holidays can bring.


If you?ve weighed the pros and cons and decide that a pet is right for you, please consider adopting from a shelter. Friend of Whine Sisters Connie Brockway is involved with?Secondhand Hounds. I just went out and fell in love. About ten times. We?re not ready for a new family member here, but one day, when I am, I am rescuing a shelter dog. Like this one:

Look at that face! A sweet little pug!

Or this:


Ohhhh, my tender heart!

Secondhand Hounds also has cats and other animals available. Author Eloisa James adopted her beloved Lucy, a dachshund mix, there.

Another great holiday gift idea: donations to Secondhand Hounds or an animal shelter near you.

Have you ever added a fur-baby over the holidays? Or maybe goldfish? Lizards? Turtles? Have any holiday pet stories to share?


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