Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Suspect in Iran missile plot to appeal to EU court (AP)

LONDON ? Lawyers for a retired British businessman accused of plotting to sell missile components to Iran said Tuesday that he will ask a European court to rule on his appeal against being extradited to the United States.

Christopher Tappin, 64, faces charges in Texas over allegations that he offered in 2006 to sell specialized batteries for Hawk missiles for $25,000. He didn't know then that his contacts were undercover U.S. agents, not Iranians, U.S. authorities say.

Tappin faces up to 35 years in jail if convicted in the United States, but he denies the charges and says he was the victim of a sting operation.

Two other men have been sentenced to prison in Texas for trying to buy and export the batteries, according to court records.

Tappin has unsuccessfully fought his extradition in Britain, where a judge ruled against him last year and two High Court judges said Tuesday that he lacked the legal basis to take his fight to the U.K. Supreme Court.

Lawyer Karen Todner said Tappin will instead lodge an application with the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France, within a few days, and will ask the court to halt extradition proceedings until his case is heard.

Another Tappin lawyer, Edward Fitzgerald, had argued that under European human rights legislation, Tappin should not be extradited because he had to care for his sick wife.

U.K. judges have ruled that the severity of the charges against Tappin outweighed his right to not be extradited, but Todner said that the British government had agreed not to begin extradition proceedings for 14 days, to give Tappin time to lodge the European appeal.

Tappin's case is the latest to expose trans-Atlantic tensions over the exchange of criminal suspects.

Lawyers complain that under "fast track" extradition procedures introduced after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the U.S. is not required to offer substantial proof of an allegation when seeking to extradite a suspect from Britain.

But in October 2011, a judge-led review in the U.K. found that extradition agreements between the United States and Britain are fair and unbiased.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/iran/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120131/ap_on_re_eu/eu_britain_us_iran

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GOP race's approaching lull will test Gingrich

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Pioneer Park in Dunedin, Fla., Monday, Jan. 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Pioneer Park in Dunedin, Fla., Monday, Jan. 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich arrives for a campaign stop, Monday, Jan. 30, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

(AP) ? The caffeinated, rapid-fire GOP presidential primary is about to ease into a slower pace and a more spread-out map, creating new challenges for Newt Gingrich.

February will bring several primaries and caucuses likely to lack the intensity of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida. It has only one debate, three weeks from now. And the month contains contests in three states with significant Mormon presences ? Nevada, Arizona and Colorado ? and in Michigan, where Mitt Romney's father was governor.

All these factors could pose problems for Gingrich, the former House speaker who is struggling to keep pace with Romney in Tuesday's Florida primary. Travel to and within the seven states with February elections will be costly, and Romney consistently has shown superior fundraising abilities. The dearth of televised debates will rob Gingrich of forums that revived his campaign in South Carolina, even if he performed rather poorly in two subsequent debates in Florida.

For Republican activists and political junkies, February will present something of a lull. No single state will dominate the process the way the first four states did. February will have trouble matching January's drama: Iowa's razor-thin results that first tilted to Romney, but later were credited to Rick Santorum; the withdrawals of Jon Huntsman and Rick Perry; and Gingrich's come-from-behind win in South Carolina that established him as Romney's chief threat.

The plodding feeling of the campaign will end dramatically on March 6, when 10 states vote on "Super Tuesday." The nomination could essentially be decided then, especially if Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, makes full use of his financial and organizational advantages between now and then.

Gingrich, however, has vowed to fight "all the way to the convention" in Tampa, Fla., in late August.

Referring to Romney, he said, "I think he's going to find this a long campaign."

Gingrich bounced back from a political near-death experience last summer, and then again after his poor showings in Iowa and New Hampshire. His fans warn against counting him out prematurely again.

Romney advisers, however, argue that the calendar favors them.

"We're entering a phase now where the question of whether a campaign is built for prime-time will be tested," said Romney consultant Kevin Madden. "Can you organize and reach voters, both in-person and on-air, across multiple states for multiple weeks?"

Romney "is well-positioned for this stretch," Madden said, having built "the kind of campaign that can compete in conditions that are more like the general election."

The first GOP contest after Florida is the Nevada caucus, on Saturday.

Romney won the state in 2008 and should do well there given that and its heavy Mormon presence. However, Texas Rep. Ron Paul also has made a significant effort in Nevada.

On Feb. 7, Missouri has a primary, and Colorado and Minnesota hold caucuses. Four days later, Maine will announce the results of its local caucuses. Then there's a 17-day break before the Arizona and Michigan primaries on Feb. 28.

Santorum, a former senator from Pennsylvania, will face painful choices about how to allocate his resources. Gingrich will, too. But his big South Carolina win, and his 30 years of national political prominence, provide him more money and momentum.

Romney was already looking past Florida on Monday, planning to stop in Minnesota on his way to Nevada on Wednesday.

After Florida, the importance of gaining national attention and buzz begins to yield ground to the state-by-state hunt for delegates. That often involves painstaking strategies that are less sexy than TV debates and witty one-liners. Tactics will vary from place to place, since some states hold caucuses rather than primaries, and some allot their delegates on a proportional, not winner-take-all, basis.

President Barack Obama proved the importance of a smart delegate strategy in 2008. He won the Democratic nomination partly because his campaign outmaneuvered Hillary Rodham Clinton's operation with its early targeting of small caucus states.

The libertarian-leaning Paul has virtually no chance of winning the Republican nomination. But he's targeting states that allocate delegates proportionately, hoping to win enough to assure him a prominent voice at the August national convention.

If Gingrich can make it to Super Tuesday, he might enjoy yet another resurgence. States voting that day include Georgia, which Gingrich represented in Congress for 20 years, and neighboring Tennessee.

But Gingrich failed to qualify for the ballot in Virginia, which also votes that day, as does Romney's home state of Massachusetts. Neighboring Vermont and Mormon-friendly Idaho also are Super Tuesday states. The others are Alaska, North Dakota, Ohio and Oklahoma.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-01-30-Campaign-Next%20Up/id-96557b0b311d4661b4f8c15071e2d2df

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Monday, January 30, 2012

H&R Block At Home Deluxe Online (2011)

Using the 2011 version of H&R Block's At Home Deluxe Online is something like visiting one of the company's offices, I'd imagine. You exchange a few pleasantries with the preparer, but then it's all business. You're asking and answering questions, presenting a lot of numbers, and then reviewing your work together. Unfortunately, H&R Block At Home Deluxe Online's stumbles a bit during the post-prep review process. TurboTax ($49.95, Federal; $36.95, State; 4.5 stars) has won our Editor's Choice for several years running now, and it does so again this year, ?in part because of this flaw.

The Broadest Range
H&R Block's online tax preparation site provides a simple, straightforward work environment that over the years has shed the colorful graphics and sometimes slow operation that it sported in its previous life as Kiplinger TaxCut. In 2012, H&R Block's At Home Deluxe Online is clean, fast, and comprehensive, and features all-important help resources that offer a better chance of getting to the answer you're looking for faster than the competition.

Every tax preparation software and website publisher offers multiple applications with varying levels of processing ability and help. Each lets you move up to a more sophisticated product if you've paid for one and it's not meeting your needs (neither do any of them charge you until you print or e-file). But H&R Block's product line is more extensive than its competitors'. I reviewed H&R Block At Home Deluxe ($29.95 for federal; state, $34.95).

Here's the entire lineup; all include a free federal e-file:

  • H&R Block At Home Free Edition. Supports a surprisingly robust number of forms and schedules, including Forms 1040, 1040A and 1040EZ; multiple 1098s and 1099s; and Schedules A, B, H and R. Offers free audit assistance (not representation).
  • H&R Block At Home Basic Edition. Everything in Free, plus step-by-step guidance, previous year import and an error check, for $19.95. No Schedules C-F.
  • H&R Block At Home Deluxe Edition. Everything in Basic, plus import from financial institutions (W-2s, 1099s, etc.); personalized tax guidance for homeowners and investors; investment sales support; mortgage interest and charitable deduction maximizers. Supports C-F. $29.95.
  • H&R Block At Home Premium Edition. Contains everything in previous versions plus Schedule C guidance; one free phone session with a tax professional; rental income assistance; advanced tax calculators and tax law/planning resources, for $49.95.
  • Best of Both. Do your own tax prep online with one of these solutions and pay an extra $79.95 to have an H&R Block professional review, correct, sign and file your return. Year-round advice is included.

H&R Block still publishes CD/download versions, but they're more expensive for Deluxe and Premium users. TurboTax and TaxACT, too, still come in desktop versions. CompleteTax has always been available online only.

Mobility has become important to every type of application, and TurboTax has everyone beat in this area. H&R Block ?has both an optimized iPad version and a smartphone app.

One Navigational Downside
All of H&R Block's online tax sites share a characteristic that none of the others does. Everyone offers a bookmark-type function that lets you enter a reminder to come back and fill in missing information. On the H&R Block At Home sites, though, you cannot advance onto the next screen until you've completed the previous one. This is the safest way to proceed and makes it less likely that you'll forget something, but it can be frustrating.

Other than that navigational difference, getting around H&R Block At Home is as easy as on the competing sites ? perhaps easier, because the site's interface is sparer than the others. No fancy graphics or an excess of icons or toolbars. H&R Block's quieter approach can make it easier to find exactly what you're looking for, when you need it.

There are few navigational tools. You have your "Back" and "Next" buttons that move you to the previous and next screens. You have your "Take me to" button that opens a chronological directory of topics and screens. And you have a tabbed bar at the top dividing your path into "Welcome," "Federal," "State," and "File;" clicking on one opens a row of subtopics for that parent topic ("Income," "Credits," etc. ). That's it. Brevity and simplicity rule.

And as always, H&R Block At Home, like its competitors, asks simple questions and provides check boxes, fields and radio buttons for your answers, then drops your entries into the correct line on the 1040 and its related documents.?

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/ScosVlCLJXg/0,2817,2376875,00.asp

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Christina Aguilera Sings ?At Last? At Etta James Funeral (Video)

Toady while attending a private funeral for the musical legend Eta James, Christina Aguilera sang one of Eta?s most famous songs ?At Last?. It was beautiful and you can see the heartwarming video below. Stevie Wonder, Rev. Al Sharpton and Christina were all part of a service to say to good-bye to a woman who certainly left her stamp on the music industry. President Obama even wrote a letter that was read by Sharpton at the service, which was held at Greater Bethany Community Church City of Refuge. Yes it was a day of honoring the amazing Eta and Christina did that by singing one of my favorite songs by James, ?At Last?. Now I know that Aguilera has gotten a lot of flack lately in the media for her weight but I must say the chick can sing and I am sure that Eta would have been so proud to hear her song sung so well Christina. I mean seriously when you watch the below video you better have box of issues next to you because it will make you cry. It is truly a performance by The Voice star that we haven?t seen in a long time. I [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RightCelebrity/~3/3OsoR9SasKQ/

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Iran says to stop some oil sales, inspectors visit (Reuters)

TEHRAN (Reuters) ? Iran sent conflicting signals in a dispute with the West over its nuclear ambitions on Sunday, vowing to stop oil exports soon to "some" countries but postponing a parliamentary debate on a proposed halt to such sales to the European Union.

The Islamic Republic declared itself optimistic about a visit by U.N. nuclear experts that began on Sunday but also warned the inspectors to be "professional" or see Tehran reducing cooperation with the world body on atomic matters.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection delegation will seek to advance efforts to resolve a row about nuclear work which Iran says is for making electricity but the West suspects is aimed at seeking a nuclear weapon.

Tensions with the West rose this month when Washington and the European Union (EU) imposed the toughest sanctions yet in a drive to force Tehran to provide more information on its nuclear program. The measures take direct aim at the ability of OPEC's second biggest oil exporter to sell its crude.

In a remark suggesting Iran would fight sanctions with sanctions, Iran's oil minister said the Islamic state would soon stop exporting crude to "some" countries.

Rostam Qasemi did not identify the countries but was speaking less than a week after the EU's 27 member states agreed to stop importing crude from Iran from July 1.

"Soon we will cut exporting oil to some countries," the state news agency IRNA quoted Qasemi as saying.

Iranian lawmakers had been due to debate a bill on Sunday that could have cut off oil supplies to the EU in days, in a move calculated to hit ailing European economies before the EU-wide ban on took effect.

But Iranian MPs postponed discussing the measure.

"No such draft bill has yet been drawn up and nothing has been submitted to the parliament. What exists is a notion by the deputies which is being seriously pursued to bring it to a conclusive end," Emad Hosseini, spokesman for parliament's Energy Committee, told Mehr.

Iranian officials say sanctions have had no impact on the country.

"Iranian oil has its own market, even if we cut our exports to Europe," oil minister Qasemi said.

Another lawmaker, Mohammad Karim Abedi, said the bill would oblige the government to cut Iran's oil supplies to the European Union for five to 15 years, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.


By turning the sanctions back on the EU, lawmakers hope to deny the bloc a six-month window it had planned to give those of its members most dependent on Iranian oil - including some of the most economically fragile in southern Europe - to adapt.

The Mehr news agency quoted Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi as saying during a trip to Ethiopia: "We are very optimistic about the outcome of the IAEA delegation's visit to Iran ... Their questions will be answered during this visit."

"We have nothing to hide and Iran has no clandestine (nuclear) activities."

Striking a sterner tone, Iran's parliament speaker, Ali Larijani, warned the IAEA team to carry out a "logical, professional and technical" job or suffer the consequences.

"This visit is a test for the IAEA. The route for further cooperation will be open if the team carries out its duties professionally," said Larijani, state media reported.

"Otherwise, if the IAEA turns into a tool (for major powers to pressure Iran), then Iran will have no choice but to consider a new framework in its ties with the agency."

Iran's parliament in the past has approved bills to oblige the government to review its level of cooperation with the IAEA. However, Iran's top officials have always underlined the importance of preserving ties with the watchdog body.

Before departing from Vienna, IAEA Deputy Director General Herman Nackaerts said he hoped the Islamic state would tackle the watchdog's concerns "regarding the possible military dimensions of Iran's nuclear program."


The head of the state-run National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) said late on Saturday that the export embargo would hit European refiners, such as Italy's Eni, that are owed oil from Iran as part of long-standing buy-back contracts under which they take payment for past oilfield projects in crude.

"The European companies will have to abide by the provisions of the buyback contracts," Ahmad Qalebani told the ISNA news agency. "If they act otherwise, they will be the parties to incur the relevant losses and will subject the repatriation of their capital to problems."

Italy's Eni is owed $1.4-1.5 billion in oil for contracts it executed in Iran in 2000 and 2001 and has been assured by EU policymakers its buyback contracts will not be part of the European embargo, but the prospect of Iran acting first may put that into doubt.

Eni declined to comment on Sunday.

The EU accounted for 25 percent of Iranian crude oil sales in the third quarter of 2011. However, analysts say the global oil market will not be overly disrupted if parliament votes for the bill that would turn off the oil tap for Europe.

Potentially more disruptive to the world oil market and global security is the risk of Iran's standoff with the West escalating into military conflict.

Iran has repeatedly said it could close the vital Strait of Hormuz shipping lane if sanctions succeed in preventing it from exporting crude, a move Washington said it would not tolerate.


The IAEA's visit may be an opportunity to defuse some of the tension. Director General Yukiya Amano has called on Iran to show a "constructive spirit" and Tehran has said it is willing to discuss "any issues" of interest to the U.N. agency, including the military-linked concerns.

But Western diplomats, who have often accused Iran of using such offers of dialogue as a stalling tactic while it presses ahead with its nuclear program, say they doubt Tehran will show the kind of concrete cooperation the IAEA wants.

They say Iran may offer limited concessions and transparency to try to ease intensifying international pressure, but that this is unlikely to amount to the full cooperation required.

The outcome could determine whether Iran will face further isolation or whether there are prospects for resuming wider talks between Tehran and the major powers on the nuclear row.

Salehi said Iran "soon" would write a letter to the E.U.'s foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton to discuss "a date and venue" for fresh nuclear talks.

"Iran's top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili in this letter, which may be sent in the coming days, also may mention other issues as well," Salehi said, without elaborating.

The last round of talks in January 2011 between Jalili and Ashton, who represents major powers, failed over Iran's refusal to halt its sensitive nuclear work.

"The talks will be successful as the other party seems interested in finding a way out of this deadlock," Salehi said.

(Additional reporting by Hashem Kalantari, Robin Pomeroy and Hossein Jaseb in Tehran, Svetlana Kovalyova in Milan and Fredrik Dahl in Vienna; Writing by Parisa Hafezi and Robin Pomeroy; Editing by William Maclean)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/iran/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120129/wl_nm/us_iran

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WSJ: Facebook Filing For IPO As Early As Wednesday

facebooklogoThe Wall Street Journal has just reported that Facebook may file for its long-awaited IPO as soon as this Wednesday, but notes that the "timing is still being discussed", according to an anonymous source. The article says that Facebook is eyeing a valuation between $75 and $100 billion as it raises up to $10 billion, which is in line with a previous WSJ report last November. The article also reports that Morgan Stanley is currently the frontrunner to secure the top, "lead left" position in the filing, with Goldman Sachs playing a "significant role" as well. The news comes shortly after Facebook?temporarily froze secondary trades on its shares, sparking speculation that the IPO filing may be imminent.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/obf1ZWXbtoo/

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Romney widens lead over Gingrich in Florida: Reuters/Ipsos poll (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? White House hopeful Mitt Romney widened his lead over rival Newt Gingrich to 11 percentage points in Florida, according to Reuters/Ipsos online poll results on Saturday, up from 8 points a day earlier, as he cemented his front-runner status in the Republican nomination race.

With just three days remaining before Florida's Republican primary, Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, led Gingrich, a former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, by 43 percent to 32 percent among likely voters in Florida's January 31 primary, the online poll said.

He had led Gingrich by 41 percent to 33 percent in the online tracking poll on Friday.

"The momentum in Florida ... really seems to be moving in Romney's direction," said Chris Jackson, research director for Ipsos Public Affairs.

The poll confirmed that Romney's fortunes are turning around in Florida a week after a stinging setback when Gingrich scored an upset win in South Carolina's primary.

Romney has moved ahead of Gingrich in several Florida polls, after turning in his strongest debate performance yet in the seesawing race for the Republican nomination to oppose Democratic President Barack Obama's bid for re-election in November.

The Reuters/Ipsos survey showed Romney also gained when voters were asked who they would support in a head-to-head contest with Gingrich. Saturday's results showed that 53 percent would support him, versus 45 percent for Gingrich.

In the results released on Friday, Romney had led by just 2 percentage points when voters were asked the same question.


Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum trailed well behind with 16 percent support, but he had gained ground from 13 percent in Friday's results.

"It seems like some people who are leaving Gingrich are moving to the other conservative in the race, Rick Santorum," Jackson said.

Texas Congressman Ron Paul was at 6 percent, up from 5 percent. The small-government libertarian has not been campaigning in Florida.

Romney has subjected Gingrich to a blistering run of attack advertisements in Florida. He has assailed Gingrich for leaving Congress under an ethics cloud in the 1990s and for being a Washington insider and lobbyist in the two decades since.

Gingrich denies he ever worked as a lobbyist, but has yet to find an effective way to parry Romney's attacks.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, capturing many voters after the most recent debate in Jacksonville on Thursday, where Romney was seen as a clear winner.

Florida lets voters cast their ballots early at polling stations or by mail, and 30 percent of the poll respondents said they had done so, compared with 29 percent on Friday.

Romney held a 12-point lead among those who had already voted, and an 11-point lead among those who had not yet voted.

Statistical margins of error are not applicable to online surveys, but this poll of 903 likely voters has a credibility interval of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Saturday's Reuters/Ipsos survey is the second of four daily tracking polls being released ahead of Tuesday's Florida primary.

(Editing by Mohammad Zargham)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/internet/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120128/pl_nm/us_usa_campaign_poll

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Viadeo vies for Arab expansion with Moroccan branch (Reuters)

RABAT (Reuters) ? Viadeo, the world's second-biggest online networking site for professionals after LinkedIn, said on Friday it had opened a regional branch in Morocco as it seeks to expand its presence in the increasingly-wired Arab world.

Viadeo, which targets professionals, job seekers and recruiters, shelved plans for an initial public offering last year to focus on growth in emerging markets.

"Morocco is the first country in Northern Africa and within the Arab world where Viadeo has established an office; this follows the opening of an office in Senegal in March 2011," Viadeo said in a statement.

Morocco accounts for a quarter of Viadeo's 2 million members in Africa. The increasing use of Internet and high youth unemployment in the Arab world, which hovers around 30 percent in Morocco, is a boon for businesses like Viadeo.

"The membership base in Morocco has doubled in less than a year and represents the second French speaking community of the platform after France," it said.

(Reporting By Souhail Karam; Editing by Jon Loades-Carter)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/tech/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120127/wr_nm/us_viadeo_morocco

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Pre-debate: Romney hit by Gingrich; targets Obama

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney hands back a New England Patriots Tom Brady football jersey he autographed as he campaigned at Paramount Printing in Jacksonville, Fla., Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney hands back a New England Patriots Tom Brady football jersey he autographed as he campaigned at Paramount Printing in Jacksonville, Fla., Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, accompanied by his wife Callista, waits to speak at a Tea Party Rally, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012, in Mount Dora, Fla. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Republican presidential candidate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum signs a poster at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Fla., Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Paramount Printing in Jacksonville, Fla., Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich speaks at the University of North Florida, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012, in Jacksonville, Fla. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

(AP) ? Pointing toward an evening debate, Mitt Romney jokingly urged supporters Tuesday to "just storm in" and support him even if they lacked tickets. Newt Gingrich warmed up with a particularly strong attack on Romney.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and Texas Rep. Ron Paul also were sharing the stage for the second debate of the week and the last before the Florida primary next Tuesday.

Opinion polls show a close race between Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, and Gingrich, who was House speaker for two terms in the 1990s, and the two clashed repeatedly in Monday night's encounter in Tampa.

Gingrich's unexpected victory in the South Carolina primary last weekend upended the race to pick a Republican opponent for Democratic President Barack Obama in the fall, and Romney can ill afford another setback.

In the days since his loss, he has tried to seize the initiative, playing the aggressor in the Tampa debate and assailing Gingrich in campaign speeches and a TV commercial.

An outside group formed to support Romney has spent more than his own campaign's millions on ads, some of them designed to stop Gingrich's campaign momentum before it is too late to deny him the nomination.

Campaigning Thursday at a factory that is scheduled to close, Romney criticized Obama and avoided mentioning Gingrich.

But the evening debate was on his mind ? particularly the makeup of the audience in the hall.

"There may be some give and take. That's always entertaining," he said. "If you all could get in there we'd love to see you all there cheering."

A voice from the audience responded that there were no more tickets, and Romney replied: 'No tickets? Just storm in."

Gingrich seemed far less confident as he unleashed an attack reminiscent of his rhetoric a month ago when he was being outspent heavily on television and falling sharply in the polls just before the Iowa caucuses.

He accused Romney and Restore Our Future, the independent group, of dishonest ads, and said, "This is the desperate last stand of the old order. This is the kind of gall they have, to think we're so stupid and we're so timid."

He later told reporters he decided to sharpen his criticisms after Romney released his tax returns. "Here's a guy who owns Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae stock," Gingrich said. "He owns a Goldman Sachs subsidiary, which is foreclosing on Floridians. And on that front he decides to lie about my career? There's something about the hypocrisy that should make every American angry."

Romney released his income tax returns for 2010 and an estimate for 2011 after declining to do so in South Carolina.

Gingrich, also under pressure, disclosed the consulting contract one of his firms had with Freddie Mac, the government-backed mortgage giant that played a role in the foreclosure crisis that hit Florida especially hard. It showed payments of $300,000 in 2006 for unspecified consulting services.

Romney has pummeled Gingrich in the days since, calling him an influence peddler and a lobbyist who was taking money from the very organization that was harming Floridians.


Associated Press writers Brian Bakst and Kasie Hunt contributed to this story.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-01-26-US-Republicans-Debate/id-e8b6454ec2bf4e00bb978641867c76ea

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Italian borrowing costs drop sharply in bond sale (AP)

MILAN ? Italy easily raised euro5 billion ($6.47 billion) in a pair of bond auctions on Thursday that saw a sharp drop in borrowing rates, a sign that investor confidence in the country is improving.

The sale was the first test of market sentiment in the country's handling of its debt since ratings agency Standard & Poor's cut Italy's credit rating by two notches on Jan. 13.

Italy paid an interest rate of 3.763 percent on euro4.5 billion in two-year bonds, compared with 4.85 percent in a comparable auction in December. The borrowing cost for a new bond expiring in September 2014 was 3.2 percent.

UniCredit analysts said the sale was "positive" and an encouraging sign for upcoming auctions.

Nicholas Spiro, who heads a sovereign debt consultancy in London, noted the market was "particularly buoyant" after the U.S. Federal Reserve pledged to keep interest rates low until late 2014 to nurture the country's stubbornly slow economic recovery.

That will have encouraged traders to invest in riskier assets, such as bonds from economically weaker countries like Italy.

Italy has seen its borrowing costs ease in recent weeks, after yields on benchmark 10-year bonds pushed to the perilous 7 percent level last year. Following Thursday's auction, 10-year bonds were trading at 6.04 percent on the secondary market, where bonds are traded after they are sold.

The government has been trying to regain investor confidence by cutting public spending and reforming a sluggish economy.

Premier Mario Monti recently passed a euro30 billion austerity package and announced liberalization measures.

His government easily survived a confidence vote in the lower house of Parliament, by a margin of 469-74, on a series of additional measures that include an increase in tax on cigarettes and funds for Italians who have been exiled from Libya. A separate vote on the additional measures is expected by Tuesday.

Italy goes back to the bond markets on Friday, selling up to euro8 billion in six-month bonds and euro3 billion of bonds expiring in 11 months.

On Monday, Italy will try to raise another euro8 billion in the sale of longer term paper.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/business/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120126/ap_on_bi_ge/eu_italy_financial_crisis

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nadal tops Federer in Australian Open semifinal (AP)

MELBOURNE, Australia ? Rafael Nadal outlasted Roger Federer 6-7 (5), 6-2, 7-6 (5), 6-4 in an Australian Open semifinal on Thursday night, the longtime rivals playing with the intensity normally displayed when meeting in a Grand Slam final.

The stars who met in eight Grand Slam finals were on the same side of the draw for the first time at a major since 2005.

Two weeks ago, Nadal injured his right knee and wasn't sure he'd be able to start the tournament. Now, he can barely believe he's in the final.

"If you tell me that two Sundays ago, I really cannot imagine," Nadal said. "For me, it's a dream to be back in a final of the Australian Open."

Nadal will have the opportunity to win another championship on Sunday night when the Spanish left-hander plays the winner of the semifinal Friday between defending champion Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray.

Earlier Thursday, Maria Sharapova overcame Petra Kvitova to advance to the women's final against Victoria Azarenka. Sharapova broke Kvitova's serve in the last game to finish off a 6-2, 3-6, 6-4 victory and the third-seeded Azarenka beat defending champion Kim Clijsters 6-4, 1-6, 6-3 to set up a Saturday night final at Rod Laver Arena that will decide the No. 1 ranking.

Nadal, who holds a 6-2 edge in Grand Slam finals against Federer, made the key service break in the ninth game of the fourth set, making an incredible cross-court forehand winner from well behind the baseline, then watching as Federer hit a backhand wide to give Nadal a 5-4 lead.

Serving for the match, Nadal moved two points away from the win when Federer sent a backhand long. He won on his second match point when Federer floated a forehand long.

At the end, Nadal smashed a ball up high in the stadium, almost clearing the roof. He then applauded along with the crowd when Federer walked off.

The 25-year-old Spaniard won the 2009 Australian title but lost in the quarterfinals in his next two trips to Melbourne Park. Federer hasn't added to his record 16 Grand Slam titles since he won the 2010 Australian Open.

"I thought Rafa played well from start to finish," Federer said. "It was a tough match physically as well. I'm disappointed, but it's only the beginning of the season. I'm feeling all right, so it's OK."

When the often enthralling play was suspended for 10 minutes late in the second set for an Australian Day fireworks display, Federer seemed to be affected most. Nadal led 5-2 at the time, and Federer lost his serve in the next game to give the Spaniard the set. In all, the Swiss dropped 11 points in a row.

"It's tough, it's not helpful, that's for sure," Federer said of the break for the fireworks. "They told us before, so it was no surprise. But I knew it was a lot of points in a row that I lost."

The capacity, 15,000-strong crowd was evenly split in its support, with the names seeming to blur after the R in rival chants.

Each time somebody called out for Rafa, it was met by a response for Roger. The cheers were just as loud for Nadal's scrambling, sometimes astonishing, passing shots as for Federer's deft winners.

With the players on serve in the second set, Nadal went so far wide on a Federer return that he was near the side wall of the arena. Incredibly, he stretched wide and returned the ball crosscourt for a winner. That set up three break points and Nadal clinched the game to take a 4-2 lead in the second set.

Federer saved a set point in the 11th game of the third set that eventually forced a tiebreaker. But Federer made three unforced errors in the tiebreaker to give Nadal a 6-1 lead, and the Spaniard eventually clinched the set on his last opportunity of five set points.

"Please win the point, that's all," Nadal recalled when asked what he was telling himself at 6-5 in the tiebreaker. "I was very, very nervous at that moment. Losing four set points in a row is tough, especially when you play the toughest in history."

Both players were asked if they bring out the best in each other.

"I don't know if it's true ... it's my assumption," Federer said. "I feel he plays really good against me. He's also got a winning record against me which maybe gives him extra confidence. I think he has a clear plan and he follows that one very well."

Nadal said that's not the case.

"I don't play my best tennis because it's Roger in front, I play my best tennis because I am ready to play my best tennis," Nadal said. "It's true I played a lot of good matches against him during my career ... but I believe that he played a few fantastic matches against me, too."

Clijsters was in the crowd, only hours after her title defense ended. And Ivan Lendl was at Rod Laver Arena for a second night, scouting opponents again as Murray's coach. So were former Australian greats Laver, Ken Rosewall and Pat Rafter.

Sharapova lost to second-ranked Kvitova in the Wimbledon final last year, her first major final since returning from an injury layoff following a shoulder operation in 2008. She has won three majors, but none since the 2008 Australian Open.

"In the third set, I felt she always had the advantage because I was always down on my serve," said Sharapova, who served five double-faults in the third set and 10 in the match. "I just told myself 'You just gotta go for it, don't let her finish off the points like she likes to.'"

Azarenka won the first semifinal after twice recovering from periods when a resurgent Clijsters seemed to have the upper hand, to secure victory in only her second appearance in a major semifinal.

"I felt like my hand is about 200 kilograms and my body is about 1,000 and everything is shaking, but that feeling when you finally win is such a relief. My God, I cannot believe it's over. I just want to cry," Azarenka said as she choked back tears, then buried her face in a towel.

Clijsters is popular in Australia, where she's widely known as "Aussie Kim" after dating Lleyton Hewitt years ago. She had most of the backing from the crowd on the national holiday in what is likely to be her last Australian Open.

Azarenka held her nerve despite the crowd and playing against a proven big-match player. Clijsters has won four majors and has defended a Grand Slam title ? winning the U.S. Open in 2009 and '10. To reach the semifinals, the Belgian saved four match points despite a sprained ankle to beat French Open champion Li Na in the fourth round and beat top-ranked Caroline Wozniacki in the quarterfinals.

"I guess before you all thought I was a mental case," Azarenka said in a courtside interview. "I was just young and emotional. I'm really glad the way I fight, that's the most thing I'm really proud of. I fight for every ball."

Wozniacki will vacate top spot in next week's rankings after her quarterfinal loss, leaving either No. 3 Azarenka and No. 4 Sharapova a chance to move to the top.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/topstories/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120126/ap_on_sp_te_ga_su/ten_australian_open

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Obama wants to boost aid to Egypt quickly

By msnbc.com staff and news services

DAVOS, Switzerland -- President Barack Obama plans to accelerate the pace of American aid to Egypt by redirecting non-urgent aid slated for other countries, a top U.S. diplomat said Wednesday.

Speaking on the sidelines of the annual World Economic Forum, Undersecretary of State Robert Hormats said Washington wants to provide more immediate benefits to the most populous Arab nation, which earlier this month conducted its?first democratic elections in decades.

Besides redirecting some foreign aid, funding in the pipeline for long-term programs in Egypt would be shifted to quick-impact projects, Hormats said.

Related: Huge crowd gathers in Cairo

Congress approved $1.3 billion in military aid to Egypt for the current fiscal year, but with conditions attached. It also approved $250 million in economic aid, as well as an "enterprise fund" of up to $60 million.

It was unclear whether the total amount of U.S. aid to Egypt would be increased.

"Whether it's an increase or whether it's reprioritizing existing assistance, we're still working this out," Hormats said.

Also, he said,?the White House had not made any?decisions and that he was providing Washington's "broad thinking" on the subject.

The United States wants to be seen as doing more to assist a hoped-for democratic evolution in Egypt, where the military still holds ultimate power on the first anniversary of protests that ousted President Hosni Mubarak, Hormats said.

Photos: One year on, Egyptians fill Tahrir Square again

In his State of the Union address Tuesday, Obama said the United States had a "huge stake in the outcome" of the revolutions that have swept the Arab world?but offered no concrete proposals for additional assistance.

Retuers contributed to this report.

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Source: http://worldnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/25/10235860-obama-wants-to-boost-aid-to-egypt-quickly

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What Type of Health Insurance Covers Surgery ...

Few things can send a jolt through your system faster than hearing that you?re going to need surgery. The thought of lying unconscious on an operating room table while surgeons and doctors perform their magic is unsettling to most, but for some this is an inevitable reality that they must face at some point in their lives.

After the initial fears are over, the financial realities set in: how much is this surgery going to cost, how much will my insurance pick up, and more. Let?s take a look at health insurance coverage for surgery, which is a specific type of plan that provides help with the high costs of having an operation.

What Does Health Insurance Coverage for Surgery Include?

The types and scale of procedures that are allowed under the typical health insurance coverage for surgery policy vary between insurance providers. All will guarantee that the majority of costs for surgeries that are medically necessary will be covered, as that?s the industry standard. The differences tend to lie in the supplemental costs, such as pre-operative and post-operative tests, lengthy hospital stays after the surgery, recovery room costs, anesthesia, doctors and nurses who are assisting the surgery, and more. As there are many variables to each surgical procedure, it?s extremely important to read through all of the fine print and details in your health insurance coverage for surgery plan.

One thing that health insurance coverage for surgery is unlikely to cover is any form of cosmetic surgery, such as nose jobs, breast implants and the like. Unless the surgery is to correct some form of breathing problem or other issue which is impacting your health, the insurance company probably isn?t going to allow a claim.

Why Should I Get Health Insurance Coverage for Surgery?

There are two great reasons to consider picking up supplemental health insurance coverage for surgery. First, if you?re the type of individual that only has health insurance through a high deductible plan you?re going to want to have some form of health insurance coverage for surgery to ensure that you?re not paying massive amounts in deductibles if you should need some form of operation. Many different types of health insurance leave the client exposed should they need surgery; the huge bills that come with hospital admission and lengthy stays are simply passed on down as coverage only extends to certain situations. Picking up dedicated health insurance coverage for surgery will ensure that there?s never a massive bill waiting after a necessary surgical procedure.

The second reason to purchase health insurance coverage for surgery is as a supplement to existing health, personal injury or travel insurance. For instance, perhaps your automobile insurance covers personal injury, but doesn?t provide any coverage towards surgery ? even if the other party is found to be at fault for causing the accident. Having health insurance coverage for surgery removes any worry that your auto insurance provider might leave you hanging if you?re in a serious accident. This can be very handy for those that live in high-risk driving areas. Also, for those that travel throughout the world on a regular basis, it?s important to have emergency surgery coverage to avoid any delays. If your travel insurance plan doesn?t already cover this, it?s a great investment to pick up health insurance coverage for surgery.

Health Insurance Coverage for Surgery and the Emergency Room

One of the more important aspects that is typically overlooked when thinking about health insurance coverage for surgery is emergency room coverage. A high percentage of the surgical procedures performed in any given day around the country are emergency procedures due to accidents or other health crises. Having health insurance coverage for surgery that takes care of ER costs can significantly reduce the financial toll that one suffers when they require emergency surgery. Although it shouldn?t be your only health insurance plan, surgery coverage is an important part of a well-rounded health insurance portfolio.

Maintain Health Insurance Coverage for Surgery to Avoid Catastrophe

It?s very difficult to predict if something like health insurance coverage for surgery will ever be necessary for an individual. It?s possible to go through an entire lifetime without needing to be on the operating table for any reason, major or minor. However, if you do end up needing surgery, having health insurance coverage for surgery will typically save tens of thousands of dollars in costs that would normally have to be paid out of pocket. If it?s in the budget, or if you have a history of medical problems in your family, consider picking this insurance coverage up.

Did you know that SelfHealthInsurance.com is one of the leading sources for great health insurance deals? Our team is hard at work scouring through plans and providers to ensure that our users pay the best prices for premium coverage. To get a free no-obligation price quote on your health insurance, simply scroll to the top of this page and enter your ZIP code in the form!

Related posts:

  1. Health Insurance When Traveling Abroad
  2. Health Insurance for Expats
  3. What?s the Worst Thing That Can Happen If I Get Sick and Don?t Have Health Insurance?
  4. Universal Health Insurance
  5. Health Insurance Coverage Types

Source: http://www.selfhealthinsurance.com/what-type-of-health-insurance-covers-surgery/

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Italian officials: 2 more bodies found

AAA??Jan. 23, 2012?10:04 AM ET
Italian officials: 2 more bodies found

Italian Navy scuba divers work next to the cruise ship Costa Concordia off the Tuscan island of Giglio, Italy, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Unregistered passengers might have been aboard the stricken cruise liner that capsized off this Tuscan island, a top rescue official said Sunday, raising the possibility that the number of missing might be higher than previously announced. Divers, meanwhile, pulled out a woman's body from the capsized Costa Concordia on Sunday, raising to 13 the number of people dead in the Jan. 13 accident. (AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito)

Italian Navy scuba divers work next to the cruise ship Costa Concordia off the Tuscan island of Giglio, Italy, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Unregistered passengers might have been aboard the stricken cruise liner that capsized off this Tuscan island, a top rescue official said Sunday, raising the possibility that the number of missing might be higher than previously announced. Divers, meanwhile, pulled out a woman's body from the capsized Costa Concordia on Sunday, raising to 13 the number of people dead in the Jan. 13 accident. (AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito)

The cruise ship Costa Concordia lies on its side off the Tuscan island of Giglio, Italy, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Rescuers on Sunday resumed searching the above-water section of the capsized Costa Concordia cruise liner, but choppy seas kept divers from exploring the submerged part, where officials have said there could be bodies. Civil protection officials said that until the waves slack off, divers would not swim into the submerged part of the vessel just off the port of Giglio, a tiny Island off the Tuscan coast. (AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito)

The cruise ship Costa Concordia lies on its side off the Tuscan island of Giglio, Italy, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Rescuers on Sunday resumed searching the above-water section of the capsized Costa Concordia cruise liner, but choppy seas kept divers from exploring the submerged part, where officials have said there could be bodies. Civil protection officials said that until the waves slack off, divers would not swim into the submerged part of the vessel just off the port of Giglio, a tiny Island off the Tuscan coast. (AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito)

Workers of the Costa Crociere company place messages outside the company headquarters, during a march in downtown Genoa, Italy, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Rescuers on Sunday resumed searching the above-water section of the capsized Costa Concordia cruise liner, but choppy seas kept divers from exploring the submerged part, where officials have said there could be bodies. Civil protection officials said that until the waves slacken off, divers will not swim into the submerged part of the vessel near the port of Giglio, a tiny island off the Tuscan coast. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

Two Italian firefighters work on the deck of the cruise ship Costa Concordia off the Tuscan island of Giglio, Italy, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Unregistered passengers might have been aboard the stricken cruise liner that capsized off this Tuscan island, a top rescue official said Sunday, raising the possibility that the number of missing might be higher than previously announced. Divers, meanwhile, pulled out a woman's body from the capsized Costa Concordia on Sunday, raising to 13 the number of people dead in the Jan. 13 accident. (AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito)

GIGLIO, Italy (AP) ? Italian officials say two more bodies have been pulled from the wreckage of a cruise liner capsized off the Tuscan coast, bringing the number of confirmed dead to 15.

The national civil protection agency official in charge of the search said Monday that divers recovered the bodies of two women from the ship's internet cafe.

The recovery of the two brings to 17 the number of known missing. However, officials over the weekend said it appeared unregistered guests were on board at the time of the accident, meaning the number of officially missing could increase.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-01-23-EU-Italy-Cruise-Aground/id-7a6b44eacc1242d396185fab56ee3650

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

US women seek long-awaited payback against Mexico


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 8:57 a.m. ET Jan. 24, 2012

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) - Heather Mitts remembers the feeling walking off the field in Cancun, having been a part of the first and only loss the U.S. women's soccer team has ever suffered in a qualifying match for the World Cup or Olympics.

"It was awful," Mitts said. "It was obviously for us a real wakeup call. We definitely weren't prepared. We weren't prepared, and they came out and they played great against us."

Final score: Mexico 2, United States 1. It was Nov. 5, 2010. Mexico had punched its ticket to the World Cup. The Americans would have to play three more games to get there.

The opportunity for payback has arrived. The U.S. plays Mexico on Tuesday for first place in their group in the CONCACAF qualifying tournament for the London Olympics.

"That's obviously the game that's been marked on our calendars this entire tournament," forward Abby Wambach said.

And, yes, the teams have met once since the game that many consider to be among the biggest upsets in soccer history, but it was an exhibition in New Jersey last June, a warmup for the World Cup won 1-0 by the U.S.

That hardly counted as revenge.

"No. Absolutely not," Mitts said. "That was a friendly. This is Olympic qualifying. It doesn't matter if we're playing Mexico or not; we still have to win these games to get to the next step. I think it does add to it that we are playing Mexico - and the revenge factor does help."

Beyond having a score to settle, the game is a vital one. The region only gets to send two teams to London, and four remain in the hunt. The winner of the U.S.-Mexico game will draw an easier match against Costa Rica in the do-or-die semifinals, while the loser has to play the more formidable Canada.

Coach Pia Sundhage and her players spent much time contemplating what went wrong in Cancun 14 months ago. Sure, the Mexicans had home-field advantage - the rowdy crowd spent the game chanting and throwing cans, bottles, paper and other objects toward the field - but it's a brutal fact that the Americans were so used to winning that complacency had settled in.

"I definitely think taking a team for granted - and maybe thinking we were better than what we were - had a lot to do with it," forward Lauren Cheney said.

Cheney also said many of her a teammates were simply exhausted. The Cancun tournament, and the camp that preceded it, had come at the end of the long Women's Professional Soccer league season.

Sundhage takes the blame for that. She said the team wasn't sharp during the entire tournament.

"When I think back, I made a mistake having them together too long," Sundhage said. "I learned my lesson."

For the Olympic qualifying, the team had a shorter camp in California before arriving in Vancouver. It's hard to judge the results thus far: The Americans have won by scores of 14-0 and 13-0, but their opponents were so overmatched it wouldn't have mattered much how the U.S. prepared. The most helpful result of the blowouts is an overwhelming goal differential that means a draw against Mexico will be enough to win the group.

Mexico also has been cruising through the tournament, winning 5-0 and 7-0 against the same teams the Americans have played. The lopsided scores have allowed both teams to rest key players to keep them fresh for Tuesday's showdown.

While the Americans cite the loss in Cancun as more evidence of a growing parity in women's soccer, Mexico coach Leonardo Cuellar said his country has far to go to catch up with its counterparts to the north.

"They're obviously the best in the world," Cuellar said. "You see the U.S. and Canada, they basically have national teams that if they're not living together, they are dedicated to a national team. For us we still have players that go to school, go to work. We're at a different level, so it's a big challenge for us."


Joseph White can be reached at http://twitter.com/JGWhite

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


Source: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/46110983/ns/sports/

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Man arrested for racist abuse at Liverpool match

updated 7:18 p.m. ET Jan. 7, 2012

LONDON - Merseyside police have arrested a 20-year-old man in connection with alleged racist abuse towards Oldham Athletic's Tom Adeyemi during Friday's 5-1 FA Cup third round defeat by Liverpool.

Police said the man from Aintree, Merseyside, was arrested on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence. He is in custody and being interviewed by detectives.

Friday's match at Anfield was stopped briefly while 20-year-old midfielder Adeyemi, on loan at the League one (third division) club from Premier League Norwich City, alerted the referee.

On Saturday, Liverpool issued a statement on their website (www.liverpoolfc.tv) saying:

"Liverpool Football Club continue to work closely with Merseyside Police to establish all the facts surrounding the incident that occurred during last night's game.

"We take this matter extremely seriously and have today provided the Police with the evidence we currently have available to us.

"This includes CCTV coverage and still photography of what we believe to be the relevant part of the stadium, statements from matchday stewards in that area and full access to all the footage captured by the cameras filming the match for our in-house tv operation.

"In addition, we have examined records of the tickets purchased in that part of the ground to see if they provide any additional information and have passed that on to the Police."

The incident occurred after Liverpool forward Luis Suarez was handed an eight-game ban by the FA for racially abusing Manchester United defender Patrice Evra in October. (Writing by Ken Ferris, editing by Patrick Johnston; To query or comment on this story email sportsfeedback@thomsonreuters.com)

Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Romney airing new campaign ad in SC (AP)

COLUMBIA, S.C. ? Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is bashing the National Labor Relations Board in a new ad airing in South Carolina the day after the Obama administration circumvented Congress and put three new people on the labor panel.

The White House offered a sharp retort casting Romney as an opponent of protections for workers.

In the ad, Romney accuses President Barack Obama of adopting policies that "affect our economy based not upon what's right for the American worker but, instead, what's right for their politics." He also contends that the board is stacked with "union stooges."

Obama on Wednesday took advantage of the Senate being in recess to appoint three new labor panel members. Openly defying Senate Republicans, Obama also appointed Richard Cordray, a former Ohio attorney general, to head a new Consumer Financial Protection Board. All the appointments bypassed the Senate confirmation process.

Romney, reacting to the appointments Wednesday, accused Obama of displaying "Chicago-style politics at its worst."

The White House responded sharply Thursday.

"I find it a little rich that on this and on the appointment of Richard Cordray to be the nation's consumer watchdog that the former governor of Massachusetts decided to take a position in both cases against the security and protection of working and middle-class Americans," said White House spokesman Jay Carney.

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley had challenged GOP presidential hopefuls to take positions on the NLRB's legal action threatening jobs at a Boeing Co. plant in North Charleston. The NLRB charged that the company was building the facility in South Carolina in retaliation over labor contract fights.

In the 30-second ad set to begin airing Thursday, Romney appears to talk from the factory floor with wood and scaffolding in the background. The scene changes to an exterior shot of a Boeing Co. plant, a jet engine and the 787 Dreamliner that Boeing is building in South Carolina and Washington state.

The Boeing issue was resolved last month when Boeing and the Machinists union reached a contract extension and the NLRB dropped its legal action.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., urged Obama to withdraw the appointments and called on House and Senate committees to investigate contacts between the NLRB and Boeing's Machinists union.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/politics/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120105/ap_on_el_pr/us_romney_labor_ad

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Katy Perry and Russell Brand "Just Too Different," Friends Say

Katy Perry's divorce from Russell Brand wasn't due to a particular event or issue. The pair simply got married too fast and are too different, sources say.

They were infatuated with each other when they wed in October 2010, but had only been together about a year at that point, and things went south fast.

People close to the couple say Katy and Russell were head over heels for each other, fascinated to be with a great person who was an extreme opposite.

The problems came when the honeymoon phase wore off.

A Russell Brand and Katy Perry Pic

After they got married, they fought constantly, often in front of people at clubs and shows. They're both stubborn and strong-willed, making things worse.

Their busy schedules didn't help, as they never spent long periods of time with each other. In the end, despite their attraction, they were "just too different."

Brand, who filed for divorce Friday, is more of a homebody than Katy, 27, who loves going out partying. Russell, 36, has been sober for years and didn't enjoy the scene.

He would often voice his desire to stay in or leave places early, asking her to come with him, which would trigger arguments. So it went. Not a long-term match.

At the end of the day, neither hates the other, there's no bad blood, and not even a hint of impropriety on either part. Just a mutual parting of ways.

Sad, but something a lot of people, famous or not, can relate to.

[Photo: WENN.com]

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/01/katy-perry-and-russell-brand-just-too-different-friends-say/

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Nigeria's president vows to 'crush terrorists'

ABUJA - President Goodluck Jonathan vowed on Saturday to "crush the terrorists" who set off a series of bombs across Nigeria on Christmas Day, while he visited a church in which one bomb killed at least 37 people.

The blasts last Sunday, including three aimed at churches, raised fears that Boko Haram, a movement styled on the Taliban whose name means "Western education is forbidden," is trying to ignite sectarian strife in Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation and top oil producer.

The deadliest attack struck St. Theresa's Catholic church in Madalla, on the edge of the capital, Abuja, killing 37 people and wounding 57, according to the latest toll.

A spokesman for the emergency services said the country was on high alert, with an expanded security presence, for New Year.

During a brief visit to the church, amid tight security by dozens of armed soldiers, Jonathan offered condolences to relatives of the victims, many of them weeping after a vigil.

"We assure Nigerians that we will protect them. We have taken some steps which I'm going to announce tonight," he said. "We will crush the terrorists. If there are institutions ... which are harbouring terrorists, we will deal with them."

Traces of the devastation were still clear, with the church windows shattered and glass on the ground.

Jonathan, criticized for what was seen as a slow response to the bombings, stepped up his rhetoric on Friday night with a statement saying "the government will fight Boko Haram, the group of evil-minded people who want to cause anarchy, to the end."


National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) spokesman Yushua Shuaib said authorities were on "full alert."

"We are hopeful there won't be any untoward development. The government has put security throughout the federation, including near the flashpoints. We are optimistic, but we are fully mobilised," he told Reuters.

The government held an emergency meeting with security officials on Thursday and is also looking at using other channels to stop the conflict, which started as a local northern problem but is fast destabilising the whole country.

National Security Adviser General Owoye Andrew Azazi told Reuters the security services were considering making contact with moderate members of Boko Haram via "back channels," even though explicit talks are officially ruled out.

In the volatile central Nigerian city of Jos, which was also bombed at Christmas, two dozen armoured personnel carriers were patrolling the streets to tighten up security ahead of New Year celebrations it is feared could be targeted.

A Reuters cameraman saw more than twenty armoured personnel carriers patrolling the streets of Jos, with military checkpoints everywhere.

The commissioner of police for Plateau state, Dipo Ayeni, told Reuters: "We have obtained this tactic of a show of force so that we can celebrate the New Year without any hindrance, and so there should be no cause for panic."

The bombings by the northern-based movement have strained Nigeria's already fractious north-south divide.

"The events that caused Nigeria's civil war are repeating themselves," said Uche Udemezue, an Igbo housewife in the southeast, referring to the secessionist war of her people against northern rulers in which more than a million people were killed in the late 1960s.

"The north should know nobody has a monopoly on violence."

Attacks in and around the capital - including one on the U.N. headquarters in August that killed at least 24 people - suggest Boko Haram is trying to raise its profile and spread out from its heartland in the northeast.

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Source: http://feeds.canada.com/~r/canwest/F56/~3/6xoe_zBPPb0/story.html

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Guy Felix Gerfers, 92, San Antonio, Texas

GERFERS Guy Felix Gerfers went to be with Lord on December 28, 2011 at the age of 92. He was born on July 11, 1919 in San Antonio, Texas to Richard Peter Gerfers and Rosie Lee Edmondson Gerfers. He graduated from Brackenridge High School in 1938 and then went on to join the Army Air Force. He retired from the U.S. Postal Service with 35 years of dedicated service. Mr. Gerfers was preceded in death by his brothers, Clyde and Gilbert Gerfers. He is survived by his loving wife of 72 years, Mary Louise Gerfers; daughter, Debbie Hartman; son, Gary Gerfers & wife, Janine; sisters, Doris Langley and Dorothy Coy; 5 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews and other family members. SERVICES Visitation will be held on Tuesday, January 3, 2012 from 6:00pm until 9:00pm at Mission Park Funeral Chapels North. Graveside Services will be on Wednesday, January 4, 2012 at 9:30am at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery, with Air Force Honors. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the National Kidney Foundation. You may sign the on-line guestbook at www.missionparks.com under the obituary section. MISSION PARK NORTH 3401 CHERRY RIDGE SAN ANTONIO TX 78230 (210) 349-1414

Source: http://kens5.tributes.com/show/Guy-Felix-Gerfers-93017773

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